Saturday 23 May 2020

Lockdown: a view from Holdingham

Lots happening at the moment with what seems like pressure to free ourselves from the limiting (debilitating?) effects of the Covid-19 outbreak. 

Economic forecasts are dire with many working from home or being laid-off as firms close down (Nationally) or reduce output or (in some cases) changing their mode of operation.

 Debates run as to the need and conditions of the lock-down (Stay ay Home or Stay Alert) and what that implies. 

Has the Covid-19 been handled well or badly? Whatever the answer we are where we are. 


But back to basics. 

Two forums that I am a member of are: Royal Television Society and the Centre For Cities (which also covers large Towns and is associated with Centre For Towns). 

Below are two Events covering the titles given. They last for an hour so choosing the issues that will have impact on Sleaford (and others in Lincolnshire) have to be identified.

Centre For Cities: The future  of Urban Transport    
Centre For Cities: Exit strategy: can the high street survive?  

Additionally the RTS provided a Zoom transmitted Conversation :  Industry Impact of Covid-19 (RTS = Royal Television Society). The video is not available yet for this. 

So the issue of how we escape with least damage to our functioning as a Country is being hotly debated. 

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