Friday 2 October 2020

It Never Rains but it Pours: a Blog Theme of our times for Sleaford & Holdingham

 As it happens it has just started raining for what is forecast to be a wet week-end.

In more ways than one it seems. 

There are several themes on the news at the moment after weeks and weeks of constant Covod-19 stories (some very sad but one or two reasons to be cheerful). Exhaustion appears to be creeping in after promises which don't always come to fruition. Here is an image from the Daily Telegraph as we teeter on (or already in) a second wave.

Whilst Closing Times have been getting a lot of attention there is a lot going on.

Zoom events, and similar, seem to be appearing on an increasing basis: and personally if I accepted all I would be busy 23 hours per day. Most are Webinars but one or two are  direct Zoom events with maybe about 100 - 200 attendees. Added to that, Podcasts and Reports, and the world has certainly changed to a more virtual mode.

I have three or four strings to follow. International especially China and Hong Kong:  Local Political issue and with effects of Brexit negotiations, Employment effects of Covid-19:  Sustainability (Green Energy) and last but not least Climate Change and TV productions bending towards productions featuring futuristic worlds based on Sustainable lifestyles.

Centre For Cities also invite me onto their Zoom discussions. Apparently Cities and Large Towns are being affected by a movement of residents out of Urban Areas. Interesting topic. 

Note: I am a member of RTS, RMetS, Twitter and Prospect - so some of my information comes from them.

Enough for the moment.   

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