Thursday 22 September 2022

Jottings around Sleaford: Water resources and weather!

Lots have happened since I last wrote on this Blog and priorities keep changing.

Loss of our Monarch Elizabeth and a  "cost of living" crisis to name but two. Especially energy which is being exacerbated by the war in Ukraine and other international problems.

Clearly, the weather this winter will be an important factor in energy usage and will impact heating bills.  

Mild or cold: wet or dry. Hard to tell:  but the Global La Nina effect is still with us and may have an important influence. 

So the links to useful information are given below. Best of luck!

News: Anglian Water confirms the proposed site for a huge new reservoir.

Site of New Reservoir

Fears being expressed 

Much anger in and around the proposed site (especially around Bourne).

Interviews have been featured in the News inc Television, on Social Media, and in the local Press. 

This development if given the go-ahead will take many years. It is sited in one of the driest areas in the UK and that alone is a cause for concern given the drought condition of Summer 2022. Would it deliver what is required?

A major issue: would it deliver the water required? 

Another: Is this the best use of agricultural Land?

So onto the weather this winter

Our climate is affected by Global Circulations. Two main categorisations are related to El Nino and La Nina. El Nino is the more famous but once again we are in a La Nina situation and the forecasters are wary of making predictions. I have tried to make some sense and selected passages from experts. Here goes!

Could La Nina make temperatures drop in the UK this winter? 

In late autumn and early winter it historically promotes high pressure in the mid-Atlantic, which stops Atlantic weather systems from delivering mild air to the UK, and therefore can allow cold conditions to intensify.“However, in late winter La Niña can drive a shift of the jet stream towards the Poles increasing storminess and heavy rainfall while bringing milder conditions”.

I hope this helps for the time being and I will update when possible.

Notes on July 2022 Weather Events:

UK Heatwave breaks records: Record low Antarctic Sea Ice: The scale of European wildfires in 2022:Tropicle Storm Aere and flooding in SW Japan:: Historic flooding in parts of the USA: Unusual July rainfall around the Persian Gulf: England and Wales dry weather:  
Extreme Heat July 2022 july_heatwave (

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