Tuesday 2 November 2010

Electrically Charged Holdingham

19 Nov: I spoke to the site Manager today and he was aware that things are moving. It is pretty muddy at the moment: the entrance road is badly affected by the lorry movements and the weather isn't helping. Hopefully they will be able to clean it up a bit.
Post Note: Having read todays local papers I have had a go at the Authorities for lack of planning (Lots of wind but not enough energy) and including the Holdingham development.
Still no confirmation of when the housing at the Holdingham Roundabout will be ready for residents. I am informed that it is still the electricity supply that is the problem. There may be other issues as well in dealing with this.

Keep pressing! I will also keep asking questions!


leanne said...

hi,ive been told to hand my notice in where i am., and we should be signing for our house on the tenth of december..they also added that we will be informed of any changes meanwhile and if it does once again and get delayed i will have to mess my landlord around yet again..they need to stop messing us around and get a date for definate.

John Charlesworth said...

Thanks for that. Fingers crossed!

leanne said...

my fingers and toes are crossed that we have a new house for xmas..i will let you know if i haer anything new.

John Charlesworth said...

I noticed by the way that Wisemove are advertising (in the Target) "Coming Soon at Holdingham Mead Shared Ownership Scheme - Brand New Three Story Semi-detached House ...."
I think the one shown is the one at the foot of the pathway to the Farm Bridge.

Anonymous said...

hi me and my friend walked down to the site the other day and asked how much longer they wil be before they hand over they said they will be releasing some houses on the 1st of dec to housing association whats annoying me is housing association are not keeping us informed on things i have to give 4 weeks notice to my landlord so does that mean i cant move until the 4 weeks are up? mrs s x

John Charlesworth said...

Dear all

I have spoken with Housing at NKDC. To those who neeed updated information in answer to your concerns please contact any of
these numbers at NKDC.

01529 414155 and ask for Housing and speak to Tracy Aldrich or Riannon Davies.

Otherwise their e-mails are rhiannon_davies@n-kesteven.gov.uk
or tracy_aldrich@n-kesteven.gov.uk.

They will be pleased to help.

leanne said...

i got told the 1st week of december aswell..and no the housing dont keep us informed..i have just had to give my 4 weeks notice to my landlord so i just hope that it all goes to plan.i do believe that the houses right next to the a17 are the first to be handed over..luckily for me mine is one of them.think we have been waiting long enough thow now ;o)

leanne said...

i have just phoned that rhiannon at nkdc and she told me that it has nothing to do with her and she doesnt know any information atall?? now how helpfull was she!! oh well just have to wait a little longer ;o)

leanne said...

hello all very good news indeed..i recieved a letter today to say i get the keys and sign up for our house on the 9th of december..all good just in time for crimbo bit stressfull but should be worth it ;o) smiles all round ;o)

John Charlesworth said...

Just got back from Leicester: pleased to hear the good news. Well done!

Anonymous said...

i got the 20th of dec sign and get the keys now thats a rush but yes will be worth it hope you get moved okay xxx mrs s

leanne said...

nice one mrs s...what plot did you get? im on furlong way right at the back seen my back garden and its tiny..never mind 3 story house makes up for it thow ;o)