Saturday 18 June 2011

Holdingham to Sleaford Waste Recycling and Disposal

(Station crossing)

I often go from the Lincoln Road Holdingham to the Sleaford Tip (Waste Recycling & Disposal Unit), which takes me down Mareham Lane: this when I need to clear out all the excess rubbish that accumulates every so often.

I travel from the Holdingham Roundabout down the A15 and then along the Grantham Road towards the railway crossing. Unfortunately when the station gates are shut I often have to queue until they open again due to the fact that the outside lane, which takes me along Mareham Lane past the Carre Arms, is inaccessible if the traffic queue is above say 50 yards. In other words if the queue is further back than the Grantham Road/London Road intersection.

So this is the conundrum: how does the Station Gate remain open (which is what the poll was about) and at the same time have a new road across the Rec? The two would seem unavoidably linked.

Not that the sale of the land through the rec has been agreed at this point in time!


Ralph said...

Build the new road, leave the crossing open for pedestrians only.

Anonymous said...

The recent poll gave the impression that people want the crossing to remain open. Unfortunately, the poll and it's publicity was extremly biased.
It seems that the "powers that control the press" give and promote only one side. I say close the crossing, let the traffic flow and bring Sleaford into the 21st century. There is of course a compromise, it's close the railway line which seem to exist for passing freight or the two or three passengers that seem to get off the trains at Sleaford!