Thursday 21 June 2012

Petrol Prices

Post Note: Cheapest prices I saw today: between Sleaford and Leicester was - Unleaded 126.7p and Diesel 131.7. Several others were below 130p for Unleaded. So Sleaford is still on the high side generally.
Lets see if this Headline is repeated here!

 The world spot prices for crude oil have dropped quite smartly over recent days and weeks. Brent Crude is now down to 90$/Barrel. The AA Price guide shows prices down below £1.40 perlitre of both unleaded and Diesel. Often near £1.30 and if trends continue should drop further. It is not all good news as this means over-supply or lack of demand internationally or both. i.e maybe a downturn in Economic Activity.

Enjoy it whilst it lasts.

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