Wednesday 18 December 2013

Paying for Compulsory Purchase: should residents make donations to help?

There are reports from a recent Town Council meeting where Councillors have discussed the vexed question of Compulsory Purchase and how costs might be met. Yes, youv'e gusssed it - we are talking about the proposed link road through the Boston Roa Recreation Ground. Both the target and Standard are carrying reports of the meeting.

The Standard report is at this site. It is linked in to a report of the overall precept for next year which is set to remain as it is this year.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Micro-Climates (in Sleaford)? Yes!!

I thought, with it being such a nice day (14th December), I would take some photographs on the Recreation Ground. The reason is that the Weather Forecast reckons we are in for a wild and windy period with winds from the South and West. So I took shots to the North and East of the Trees.  The low sun was shining from the left side.

They (the trees)  offer a wind-break and micro-climate; even in December when all the deciduous trees have lost their leaves!

Sunday 8 December 2013

ASB near Bus Shelter Furlong Way.

I received the attached Alert Message from Neighbourhood Watch. I think this has happened before!  Please report on 101 it anyone who has information!

Thursday 5 December 2013

Public Consultation: Link Road (what effects on Holdingham?).

The results of a 3 months consultation which started at a Town Meeting  on August 28th 2013 in St Denys Church have been published. Now one word of caution: like any other consultation or Town Poll they have no legal basis. So the consultation, still showing a large majority wishing to protect the Recreation Ground and fight CPO is not binding.

Question: Are you in favour of the Sleaford Town Council resisting the proposed CPO affecting the Boston Road Recreation Ground – Yes or No

The wording in the Sleaford Standard is slightly different.

Decisions are made by representatives on Parish, Town and Higher Councils (yes all of them sometimes). The results are on the Town Council web site and it has been reported in the local newspapers and on Facebook and other media outposts.

What I am still not sure about, if say the road did go ahead and the Station Gates closed (which is allied to the new road), is how it would affect the traffic down the Lincoln Road. Also I suppose there is the possibility that one day there will be a link from the mini-Roundabout near Hockmeyers Garage to the Enterprise Park and the East Road.  So what impacts willm there be in our part of the Town and on the Holdingham Roundabout, if any!

Monday 2 December 2013

Fuel Theft Holdingham

This message has been received from the Alert system.

This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Incident 255 27/11/13 refers to a theft of £70 of fuel from Hockmeyers, Lincoln Road, Sleaford. This happened at approximately 18:10 hours on the 27/11/2013 just before the theft of fuel from Tesco's filling station. The vehicle is an old style Blue Fiesta dark blue in colour. The vehicle has alloy wheels and a tow bar. It may also have a grey rear bumper.
There was two males in the vehicle, one wearing a high visibility orange coat.

Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Friday 29 November 2013

Jolly Scotchman still the Jolly Scotchman

Apart from part of the front wall having been  demolished by a Lorry a few months ago I was  wondering if the new work, linked apparently to a change of ownership (Greene King Local Pubs), would mean that it was to change its name. No change I am told. Hope I am correct!

I am also hoping Old Speckled Hen is served ( a  beer that I like).

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Sleaford Clowns Beware: you may not be as funny as you think!!

I received this through the Neighbourhood Watch! It is about those who dress up as clowns and parade around Town. These crazes!!

ALERT CLOWNS  - Please report occurrences

We are getting reports from members of the public who are being approached by clowns as part of the craze that is sweeping across the East Midlands at this time.

Please make any potential would be clowns aware that Lincolnshire Police will take any reports of Anti-social behaviour seriously especially where occurrences intimidate, harass or frighten members of the public.

Should you have any sightings of clowns in your neighbourhood, please contact our Force Control Room on Tel: 101.  (24hrs)

Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Vehicle Damage Almond Walk

Neighbourhood Watch
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Two vehicles parked on Almond Walk, Sleaford were damaged between 19:00 hours on the 16th November and 08:00 hours on the 17th. One of the vehicles was parked on the pavement and the other on a driveway. Both appear to have been "keyed" causing considerable damage.

Incident 280 17/11/13 refers.

Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Cold Weather: will it affect the Christmas Market?

We seem to have a number budding weather experts. It always gets a head of steam towards Christmas. Anyway to cut a long story short - the latest weather charts are looking decidedly colder. After a relatively mild spell. Quite usual for November. Keep and eye on this link.

Weather Forecast Charts!

Also importantly ensure you are aware of the latest Weather Warnings from the Met Office.

Monday 11 November 2013

Local Petrol Prices

It is nice to Petrol Prices have dropped as world spot prices, and apparantly a strong Pound, have brought most pump prices near to 130P per litre for unleaded. Unfortunately we, in Sleaford and Holdingham, are still having to pay above 130p: whilst on a trip to Grantham today most prices were below, or well below, 130p.

At least it all means more money in the pockets of shoopers now starting on the Christmas purchases.

Friday 8 November 2013

Lincoln Road Nettle Clear out!

I was pleased to see that work has been done over recent days to clear the nettles and growth generally - which was making it difficul to walk along the pathway adjacent to Lincoln Road. See photo!  A resident had complained to the County Councillor Mark Allanvand Rowan Smith of Highways  - so thanks in that quarter for any pressure exerted.

Exhaust System Thefts: Holdingham and Sleaford

Exhaust Thefts- Sleaford Town
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Morning from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Overnight between 21:00 hours and 06:00 hours this morning there have been two thefts of complete exhaust systems from vehicles.

Both vehicles were Mercedes Sprinter Vans. One was parked on Spire View, Quarrington and the other Durham Avenue, Sleaford.

Incidents 45 and 50 of the 8/11/13 refer.

Please take steps to ensure that it is as difficult as possible for Offenders to target you.

If possible park your van in a position that would make it as difficult as possible for Offenders to remove your exhaust system.

Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Please use the buttons below or click here to reply and here to rate this mess

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Impact on Holdingham: Straw Bales

I have put a comment on the Sleaford Target article as I do believe, as previously, there will be implications for Holdingham especially. And other parts of North Kesteven and Sleaford too.

The big issue will be the number of lorries, full or empty, leaving and entering the site. As I have mentioned before it could be up to double the number suggested unless plans have changed. The Holdingham Roundabout will be one area feeling the pinch. I am also assuming 50 full lorries in means 50 empty lorries out.

Monday 4 November 2013

Recent Election Low Turnout

I received the following message in response to an item on the low turnout at the recent  Holdingham Town Council By-Eleection.

"We , along with our neighbours, had no idea there was an election going on ."

I have checked with the candidates and every effort was made to publicise the election - leaflets etc. The one thing that was not issued was a polling card to each household.

Could the authors of that Comment let me know whereabout in Holdingham they live?


Friday 25 October 2013

Batten Down the Hatches!

The Met Office and newspapers are pushing the prospect of very stormy Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Keep an eye out for falling trees, tiles and other debris! How bad?

We will have to wait and see! The storm will come into the south-west of the UK  and track north-east by the looks of it!

Thursday 17 October 2013

Dangerous Biker in Holdingham Area!

Just received this from the PCSO's / Neighbourhood Watch! Anybody been affected?

Vehicle anti social behaviour - Sleaford
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Alice Harris (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good morning from the Sleaford Community Policing Team

On the evening of Tuesday 15 October 2013, we received reports of a male riding a motorcross bike in the Holdingham area.  The male was described as wearing a stripey top, and he was riding the bike with no helmet or lights.

If you have any information on the identity of this male, or have witnessed a similar incident, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non-emergency number 101 quoting incident number 445 15/10/2013.  Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Kind regards

PCSO 2215 Alice Harris
Sleaford Community Policing Team

Also see it on Facebook (Holdingham).

Sunday 13 October 2013

Lincoln Road: Overgrown Hedge and Thistles!

Messages are being sent out that it looks like the thorns and hedges, which are making it difficult to walk next to the Cycle Track on Lincoln Road, are about to be cut back.

It is getting dangerous as cyclists and pedestrians are having to use the cycle track.

If it happens then some thanks to the County Councillor Mark Allan.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Farm Bridge Seats near A17 Holdingham to Leasingham

I am pleased to hear that NK and the ASB team are now looking at removing the bench where there has beeen incidents of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB).

This will be of releief to those residens who have been affected at all hours day and night.
It is a pity that these assets are misused and that residetns in Holdingham and Leasingam are then deprived of them. I hope a suitable alternative location is gfound that avoids the pitfalls of the present site.

Friday 4 October 2013

Holdingham Election Result

The result of the Holdingham Election result: held on October 3rd 2013 for the vacant Town Council seat was as follows:

 Paul McCallum 53 Independent

Mark Suffield 75 Lincolnshire Independent

6% turn out.

The low turnout needs analysing: either the voters have turned off from local democracy or are the problems of other parts of Sleaford consuming all our time and energy to the detriment of other areas. The local Sleaford press comment was as follows: Target! 

Maybe it is  time for the Town, District and County Councils to look hard at our democratic processes.

Would polling cards have raised awareness that a by-election was to be held? None were issued!

 Localism and Big Society are far away.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Rec Road and Holdingham

Facebook is now fairly well saturated with groups and views on the sale of part of the Boston Road Recreation Ground. Also the closure of the Station Crossing (see photo). All to  accommdate a road link from Mareham Lane to Boston Road and to take quite a number of trees, and a fair bit of land,  in doing so. The construction of that road, if it goes ahead, will be messy and noisy. It will have impacts on Holdingham as the present traffic flows will change.

I went to see the markings the other day: that part where the road will cross, and the periphery part which will be part of the purchase of the land (Compulory or otherwise).

I won't go over the arguments: I have added my comments on Facebook, and referred to the meeting some Town Councillors had with the local MP in January 2012.  I was one of them and I have kept the notes of that meeting. Our concerns went all the way to the Secretary of State Justine Greening.

The thing that disappoints all the time is the constant referral by Government to Localism and Communities making choices: in reality it is still the patronising  top-down approach.

Friday 27 September 2013

Door to Door Salesmen

Thought you might be interested in this one! Its getting to that time of year!


Door to Door Sellers - Pedlars Licence
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Sharon Horne (Police & NHWN, NHW Administrator, Lincolnshire)

Message from Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Friday, 27 September 2013.

Door to Door Sellers

With the recent activity of door to door sellers in our County it is probably appropriate to circulate again the legislation and advice if they come to your home.

Often these people will be carrying holdalls containing linen and cleaning products and will try and engage the householder in conversation with the aim of persuading them to buy goods often at highly inflated prices.

Our advice would be to try and see who is at your door initially if you have an overlooking window.  If you are not sure who is at the door do not open it.  It isn’t rude at all to decline to answer the door – it is your choice.

Please do not buy from the door. If you do answer please ensure you put your chain on first before opening the door.

The sellers may say that they are on a “rehabilitation course” arranged by probation services or other organisations trying to find people work. This is not the case and often they are known criminals. Probation services do not run such schemes.

They may also show a card which claims to be a “Pedlars Licence” or work permit.  

Would you know what to look for or what the Law states?

The Pedlars Act 1871 is the legislation that governs the regulation of door-to-door selling. A  pedlar’s certificate is a certificate that allows a person to trade whilst on foot.  Pedlars can travel from door-to-door, place to place or town to town. A pedlar’s certificate is obtained from the Chief Officer of the Police from the area where the person lives. The applicant will require two forms of identification, one with a photograph and the other showing an address where the applicant has lived for at least 28 days. The applicant must be over 17 years of age. This information is used by the police to check the applicants’ identity and that they are of good character. The cost of a certificate varies but is around £12- £15. The certificate is valid for one year from date of issue.
Once a certificate has been obtained, they can be used anywhere in the United Kingdom.

We have attached an example of a legitimate pedlar’s certificate but there may be local variations on the appearance.

The other example attached “work creation hawker” is not valid and has been seized locally. They are breaking the law if they are using anything like this.

If you see any suspicious activity then please call the police non-emergency line on 101

If you are being threatened by someone at your door then do not hesitate to call on 999

Sergeant 948 Caroline Broughton
Lincolnshire Police
Criminal Justice 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Holdingham Latest

Stories in the Sleaford Target: two about Holdingham although one is a distressing case of Vehicle accidents on the Newark side of the roundabout. The other is, at last, a mention of the forthcoming Town Council by-election.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Neighbourhood Watch

This is just outside Holdingham. But keep an eye out and guard your garden tools.

Message sent by
Alice Harris (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good afternoon from the Sleaford Community Policing Team
We are appealing for any information following the theft of 2 grass strimmers and a leaf blower that was stolen from the cemetery on Eastgate, Sleaford.  This occurred on the morning of Friday 20/09/2013.

If anyone has any information or saw anyone acting suspiciously in that area, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non emergency number 101 quoting incident number 265 24/09/2013.

Kind regards

PCSO 2215 Alice Harris
Sleaford Community Policing Team

Saturday 21 September 2013

Secure Your Vehicles

I have received 4 reports of theft from vehicles on GreyLees on 21st September 2013.  The thefts have happened in the lasts  24 hours.

Make sure it doesn't happen to you. Secure your vehicle: don't leave it unlocked!

Wednesday 18 September 2013

New Homes & Care Home

I was sent this by the Sleaford Target, which was coverage of decisions made at the Town Council, and at District Council. There will be ramifications on traffic flows both from the Lincoln Road, Holdingham Roundabout and the use of the Farm Bridge.

Friday 13 September 2013

FIT (Fields in Trust) and Compulsory Purchase!

The following link is of iinterest to those involved and interested in the Boston Road recreation ground.

It relates to the protection, or otherwise, of the Fields in Trust (FIT) agreement. Compulsory purchase is the one area its power of protection is limited!

Thursday 12 September 2013

Farm Bridge A17 and cycleways Sleaford to Leasingham: how is it going?

I have had reports of ASB but cannot find any details as to what and when! If anyone has info please contact the Police or PCSO's at Sleaford Police Station.

Monday 9 September 2013

Holdingham By-Election for Town Council

 Lincoln Road suffers from much through traffic:  problems  can cause grid-lock at times!

The By-Election to vote for a new Councillor for Holdingham has been called for October 3rd. The two candidates are at the following NKDC site (click on to the PDF file). With the changes expected in Sleaford in years to come we need someone who is well-versed in the problems such expansion can bring! Other problems include lack of facilities and heavy pressure on drainage et al.


Tuesday 3 September 2013

Overgrown Pathways and Cycleways on Lincoln Road Holdingham

I took this photograph on the Lincoln Road this morning!

I have asked the District Councillor Grenville Jackson if he can ask for the thorns and nettles to be cut back so that pedestrians can use the inner lane in safety. Whilst I was taking photographs a young women with pushchair and toddler was walking down the Cycle Lane as a cyclist was also using it. It could have been dangerous.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Sleaford Town Meeting 28 August St Denys Church

I went to the meeting last night. It was well attended, with many good speeches! Here (below)  is what I have said on Facebook along with many, many other comments!

"I went to the Town Meeting last night about the position the Town Council should take re Compulsory Purchase. Some good speeches - some a bit off beam. I was slightly confused at the end as the Agree Next Steps and Closing Remarks weren't really covered. The position of the Coveneat, and legal/financial ramifications if it is breeched still need clarification. We are still going round the houses so to speak!"

The Sleaford Standard has also commented!

We wait to see what shenanigans come about in the weeks to come!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Town Meeting 28 August

Further to my post of 8 August there is to be a Town Meeting about the prospect of Compulsory Purchase order for the Rec Land on the Boston Road. This also relates to the comments made in 2011!

The agenda is at the Town Council Opening page! This may change. 

However there are one or two concerns but here are the facts:

  • 1            The Town Council voted twice (two years ago) not to sell the land!
  • 2.           It now has Fields in Trust Status.

Town Polls related to the land, and to the closure of the Station gates, have resulted in massive majorities against the schemes.

To my knowledge only the Councillors, of the Town Council, can reverse those decision based on their own judgement. The wording of the agenda on Wednesday does not mention that so I hope these facts will, once-again, be explained. Unless someone else sees a different legal scenario that I am not aware of! 

Monday 19 August 2013

ASB Footbridge to Leasingham

Any info please contact as suggested!

This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

There have been reports of anti-social behaviour on Furlong Way, Holdingham around the bench which is situated on the foot bridge leading to Leasingham.

Should you live on Furlong Way and experience any problems please contact Lincolnshire Police on 101 or contact you Local Neighbourhood Policing Team who's details can be found by visiting

Thanks you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Please use the buttons below or click here to reply and here to rate this message

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Sleaford Town Meeting: Rec Road Issues

Update: There appears to be calls for a poll to settle the matter once and for all!  It won't! We have had Town Polls on the Recreation Ground and on the Station Gates and both have been ignored. This issue is whether or not to fight compulsory purchase. The cost will be high - with no clear indication of which side would win! However it may be considered as useful if it did, in fact, call the NK bluff!

However It is also complex now with the Fields in Trust link. All in all a bit of a mess!


The Sleaford Target was the first out of the blocks to name the place of the Town meeting on 28 August.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Rec Road: Public Meeting 28 August

 This taken a few years ago now!
There is to be a pulic meeting on 28th August about the controversial plans to build a road through the Boston Road Recreation Ground. There seems to be some confusion, amongst the people I talk to, about the Town Council position. They voted two years ago not to sell the land and recently appear to have placed the land under Fields in Trust for protection against development.

So what is the position?

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Neighbourhood Watch: child e-mail predator!

Child Predator Alert - email scam
 We are receiving reports that an email designed to look like a neighbourhood watch alert is being circulated across Lincolnshire at this time.
 The email is advising that by clicking on a link within the email, you can see child predators in the directory held on their website
 Please ignore and delete the email and do NOT click on any links shown within.
 The email originates from Santa Barbara (the address shown on the email).
 You can forward any occurrences to Action Fraud.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Motor Vehicle Theft

Two reports relating to Holdingham

Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

There has been a theft from a vehicle on Furlong Way, Holdingham overnight between the 04th and 05th August. A Sat Nav and the front of a CD Player were stolen.

Incident 40 05/08/13 refers.

Please ensure to secure your vehicles and remove any valuable items.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Three insecure vehicles have been entered and two have had items removed overnight between the 04th & 5th August. This occurred on Peterborough Way, Sleaford. Items removed include a DAB radio and a Sat Nav.

Please always ensure to secure your vehicles and remove any valuable items making it less attractive to criminals.

ACT not to put the BRAKES on vehicle crime and STOP the criminal.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Recent Alerts Holdingham: Peterborough & Winchester Way

Message sent by
Alice Harris (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good afternoon from the Sleaford Community Policing Team

We are appealing for information on the following incidents that have occurred in the Sleaford area.

A vehicle parked on Winchester Way, Sleaford was broken into overnight between Friday 2 August and Saturday 3 August 2013.  Police incident 256 03/08/2013 refers.

A garage on Peterborough Way, Sleaford was broken into overnight between Friday 2 August and Saturday 3 August 2013.  Two bicycles were stolen from the garage.  Police incident 113 03/08/2013 refers.

If you have any information or saw anyone acting suspiciously in these areas, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non-emergency number 101 quoting the relevant incident number.  Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Kind regards
PCSO 2215 Alice Harris
Sleaford Community Policing Team

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Rec Road: is this the big decision day?

Update: The aftermath of  todays Planning Committee is the decision to go ahead in principle with Compulsory Purchase. I have a few concerns about what has been going on in the last year. Meetings have been taking place! News reports also show some facts and interpretation that may be slightly simplified. Who has been talking to whom?

 By the way: according to the Albourne site: they still hold a vital section of land. Is this still the case?

 There is a Full Planning meeting at NKDC on 1st August. The issue here is about the use of the Boston Road Rec as part of a new road scheme. Side issues are the associated closure of the Station Gate and rerouting of traffic. Lots of press coverage, letters and commnent for and against, plus Sleaford Councillors who are on both Town and District Councils not being allowed in to the meeting. So another head of steam is building up. 

A firm decision and course of action is needed, one way or another, as the Town cannot progress with this level of uncertainty!

The big questions are:  What about the Covenant on the Rec Land? and will the Fields in Trust FIT certification assist in keeping the Rec in one piece or will it be a hindrance. The FIT agreement means that, if Compulsory Purchase is enetered into, then it appearrs they will have their say and influence! Oh, and by the way - the land betweeen Mareham Lane and Boston Road has more than one owner! Albourne are in there somewhere!

That is how I read the deal!

Thursday 11 July 2013

Low turnout expected: Holdingham by-election!!

Post Note: t was low turnout but here are the results I I have picked up on the Social network:

 Grenville Jackson was the winning candidate.
Full results were: Grenville Jackson (Sleaford Independent) 140 (43 per cent);
Ken Fernandes (Independent) 57 (18 per cent);
 John Michael Dilks (UK Independence Party) 48 (15 per cent);
Lucille Hagues (Conservative and Unionist Party) 48 (15 per cent);
 Mike Benthall (Labour) 29 (9 per cent


I went to the Jolly Scotchman today to cast my vote: the result will be known by Friday morning. There didn't appear to be many people voting. More candidates waiting the voters than actual voters.

It is a pity if that is how it turns out as there are many issues to be sorted out - in Holdingham and the wider Sleaford District.