Saturday 31 January 2015

Start from the Centre (of Sleaford) and work outwards!

Postnote: on 4 February this new regeneration article appeared in the Standard! Click here!
The Agenda for the Town Council meeting on 11 February has an item, in closed session, about a meeting between the TC, NKDC and LCC. Item 17!

  An interesting article appeared in the local newpaper (Sleaford Target)  this week-end. 

It related to comments by the Mayor on what would be (I presume his own comments)  a good solution to the former Avanta Seeds site which is now owned by Tesco. 

The story is covered here!

Now the problem with this is that it does not conform to any plans agreed by Council: the land is owned by Tesco and thirdly such land would be costly to buy. Unless of course a concessionery piece of land or some other remuneration was possible - and even then only when all affected parties had agreed to it.

It certainly raised much comment on the Social Media. I was under the impression that a consensus was being reached that the Town must improve the centre and work outwards.

Must be elections in the air.

I will be interested in the reactions to this - especially from NK and Tesco.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Sustrans Signage Holdingham! Where is the original??

On hearing that someone was working on the signpost (telling of the Sustrans work and support) for the project - I walked over there to see what changes had been made.

Alas: not as much as I had hoped (I had hoped for a new replacement). So here is the rearrangement.

 Hope the Planning Inspector knows what it represents and can read it!

Wednesday 21 January 2015

New Ideas for Sleaford required: after the Election!!!

Back to the Planning Table!! It will keep everyone busy at least!!

Post Note: The Standard has an article (January 23 2015) referring to the buying, by NKDC of Navigation Yard! Slight raised eyebrows at what may be seen as a change of tack - but maybe welcome all the same.  The Community Interest Company (CIC) aka Town Team also followed that line of reasoning.


The headlines today are about regeneration, or not, as the case may be. The Tesco withdrawal, and the forthcoming District and Town election has left everyone wondering locally what best to do next. The CPO is on hold: at least until after the General Election no doubt!!

No doubt meetings will be arranged, reports written, and battle will resume. After the May elections.

For the General Election in May, for the Sleaford and North Hykeham constituency I am still not clear, as of today (21 January), what the the final list of candidates will be.
Wikipedia is still saying two candidates: pity as I hope others will come in. YouGov and other polling organisations suggest, nationally, a close result: maybe even a "Hung" Parliament i.e. no overall majority for anyone.

Now that would be interesting. Minor Political Parties have more power in such situations.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Town Council Comments!! Chicken Units

Here is the Town Council letter to the Planning Inspectorate.

TC/Planning Inspectorate! The application is 14/0078/FUL if an entry point  is required.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Disappearing Sustrans Notice

Just before the Inspector starts investigating!

A post on Facebook has pointed out that the Sustrans Notice relating to the Support given to the cycleway  using Lottery Money has disappeared. 

Once again the notice is

A temporary image and script has been put there.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Two projects seemingly out of the Sleaford Towns hands!!

Chicken Farm/Anaerobic Digester Plant and Rec Road! Where do we go from here?

I am now at the point where I have to look elsewhere to see the State of Play with these major projects. The Planning officer is dealing with the Chicken Farm (the Anaerobic Plant Application having been seen as controversially  passed) and the Rec Road CPO.

Many statements have hit the headlines today in early January. The latest is from NK and the company representatives promoting the Chicken Farm

Firstly the state of play with the Planning Officer re Chicken Farm Appeal.

The Rec Road CPO seems uncertain as a result of Tesco deciding not to go ahead with the new Store it was to build on the old Avanta Seeds Site! 

The Press Office/Statements by NK have been appearing in succession all day. Here is one such statement. . What this will do to the SE Regeneration Plan and the overall Plan for the Town remains to be seen. The maltings will still be there needing decisions and a Bridge over the railway line at the Railway Station (to facilitate a closure of the crossing) is expected in some form. 

Keep reading the news and it might all become clearer: however there is an Election in 4 months time so don,t bet on it!