Saturday 31 January 2015

Start from the Centre (of Sleaford) and work outwards!

Postnote: on 4 February this new regeneration article appeared in the Standard! Click here!
The Agenda for the Town Council meeting on 11 February has an item, in closed session, about a meeting between the TC, NKDC and LCC. Item 17!

  An interesting article appeared in the local newpaper (Sleaford Target)  this week-end. 

It related to comments by the Mayor on what would be (I presume his own comments)  a good solution to the former Avanta Seeds site which is now owned by Tesco. 

The story is covered here!

Now the problem with this is that it does not conform to any plans agreed by Council: the land is owned by Tesco and thirdly such land would be costly to buy. Unless of course a concessionery piece of land or some other remuneration was possible - and even then only when all affected parties had agreed to it.

It certainly raised much comment on the Social Media. I was under the impression that a consensus was being reached that the Town must improve the centre and work outwards.

Must be elections in the air.

I will be interested in the reactions to this - especially from NK and Tesco.

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