Monday 26 December 2016

Sleaford Boxing Day Meet Event

Controversial or Not 

This event always seems to attract publicity and controversy. I attend most years and for one reason or another the weather, for the time of year, is generally Fair. This year was no exception. However these Hunts do comply with the  law to my knowledge. The Law in brief.

I have put it on Facebook but also done an edited video of scenes prior it it formally commencing at around 11.30 am. 

Either click on the image or go to this YouTube link

Thursday 15 December 2016

Council Budgets and Pressures on Resources: Sleaford and North Kesteven

I went to the Sleaford Budget Focus Group (one of three venues) to look at issues which will affect how our local taxes, and those from more central Government,  are spent. 

To help, I took along a camcorder to record what was said. Other members of the public were there as were Officers of NKDC and 2 Councillors.

One other item which may affect the size and use of our Council taxes is the debate about care for the elderly. This was also discussed in the House of Commons at Prime Ministers question time.  The BBC website have pages showing the cost of care in different areas. This (hopefully) is the Lincolnshire link. 

However there are many services that need to be delivered in a time of reducing overall input from Central Government. That is how I understood it. However the talks by the Chief Executive and Head of Finance and Resources are now on Youtube. 

The quality on the Youtube video is varied so I hope it is not too distracting. Still very useful however and many complex issues to be resolved especially in view of future population expansion. 


Monday 21 November 2016

Jeremy Corbyn Visits Sleaford as By-Election Looms

Post Note The Richmond Park By-Election just shows how volatile by-elections can be: here is the Guardians take. Richmond is strong;y in favour of staying in Europe whereas Sleaford and North Hykeham are anti. However a similar principle applies. 


 I went down to Boston Road Rec to see what the Leader of the Labour Party had to say! On the stump of a felled Tree he was surrounded mainly by well-wishers. He was in Sleaford to support the Labour Candidate in the forthcoming by-election. It was well attended with lots of Camcorders and other devices (including the local press, radio and TV) to record the event. 

At least, for once, Party Leaders are taking the area seriously although I suspect the London based Politicians need briefing as to where we (Sleaford & Norh Hykeham) actually are located. There are ten candidates and the link can be found on the NKDC web-site. I

How many other candidates will arrange similar events is open to question but this one seemed to work. At least the forecast rain seemed to abate so it was just the cold that didn't help. Facebook and YouTube links have already appeared showing the event. I put one up myself and a photo (see below) but there are much better recordings and I have used one of those for this Blog.. My own shots were at the back with other Camcorders and the like in the way. Here is the recording that I think is best. The photo is one of Jeremy Corbyn arriving somewhat late near 3.00 pm. Click on the Image JC below for the video Camcorder recording.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Holdingham Representation at the Sleaford Town Council

I often place video recordings on Facebook and occasionally on this Blog.

Often decisions made reflect on Holdingham: whether or not the activity is elsewhere in Sleaford. This weeks Sleaford Town Council was no exception as topics included: Skate Park investment on Boston Road: Allotments at the end of the Drove (Westholme Ward) and the Strategic Plan.

I have annotated the video to help steer through it: so hopefully it will be of use. The Video was taken using a low cost Camcorder which has maximum recording time of 1 hour 20 minutes. With editing this video lasts for 1 hour.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Interesting meetings at the Sleaford Town Council

The next week or so has two meetings: one is a public Town meeting tonight  2 November (not really a Council meeting but open to all citizens).

The other, behind closed doors, is next Tuesday. It relates to Boston Road according to the agenda.

Here are the links. Wednesday 2 November and Tuesday 8 November.

An edited YouTube recording of the Sleaford Town Meeting is here

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Litter Picking: Holdingham (and Sleaford): Fast Food

How much should we rely on users and the producers?

Every so often I (like everyone else nearly) complain about unsightly litter. Mostly cartons containing the food. Whether on the Roadside or in the Park areas (wherever). The Holdingham Roundabout was cleared recently as, after cutting the grass, all the litter was visible. Not nice.

NKDC (environemntal Health?) were quick off the mark and went to clear it up. Meanwhile, at times, it starts to look messy down the Lincoln Road and in He Play Areas.

The Town Council cleaning services do a good job but there are some demarcations as to who does what, when  and where.

Wherever you get fast food takeaways it seems you get litter which is just thrown down by those eating it -- or just thrown out of car windowss which must be the explanation for o much rubbish at the side of the Roads - including Holdingham Rounabout. What is vexing is that litter is dumped only feet away from a bin.

Anyway I went along to see the Manager of McDonalds to check that they still do litter picks. They do, and it is part of (embedded in) their Company Corporate rules. 

They certainly di a liter pick over the weekend. Maybe there is a case to extend this policy from all Food take-away outlets. Some do already but it is amazing how far it travels.

Just a thought.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Problems with intensive Livestock Farms: Sleaford take note!

Interestingly a new study has appeared pouring cold water on the idea of locating Livestock Farms near populated areas - and in the UK generally for that matter. The study has been done by Dr Lidwien Smit an environmental epidemiologist at Utrecht University. 

This might have ramifications for Lincolnshire including Sleaford. This refers to livestock mind!

Here is the report featured in the Financial Times: it was also covered in Private Eye as an "The Agri Brigade " feature. The original research is from This article refers also to Poultry see below! 2The countryside is supposed to offer a healthy escape from the blight of city smog, but new research suggests this is not the case for people living near a lot of pig, cow or chicken farms. The air around farming “hotspots” can be as risky to breathe ...".

Considering applications for large farms within Lincolnshire (not just those officially Livestock) then such research needs to be taken very seriously. 

The Agri Brigade feature specificall says "The messaage may at last be getting through to UK Policy makers. Huge Pig and Poultry Farms and Super Dairies are completely inappropriate in a densley populated country like Britain". Touche!

Thursday 6 October 2016

Care Home Back on the Agenda: Holdingham Sleaford

I was surprised to see this back on the Planning Agenda at Sleaford Town Council last night.

However there it was: it can be viewed on NKDC Planning Online with a 2 Story Care home. Thae application number is 16/0986/RESM. Land Off Furlong Way and south of the A17. It is also next to the Housing Development at Holdingham Grange.

The  Town Council meeting is covered it at the following YouTube Address. YouTube.  This short video also covered the proposed local changes in the NHS,

IT will be situated to the left of this photo. (This photo taken in July/August).

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Energetic Debate about how Sleaford Town Council should work?

The Town Council meeting on Wednesday discussed its Constitution: a relatively new Constitution which incorporates Panels and Working Groups(as well as having a Councillor iin the role of Leader). 

It lead to a long debate, with plenty of argument on both sides (maybe more sides than that). However this part of the agenda was filmed (as the Law allows). 

It is on Youtube at STC September 21st: 56 minutes long  (on one Agenda Item). Sleaford Town Council

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Holdingham Roundabout Improvements: will they be enough?

An article in the local newspaper has highlighted a problem (covered many times on this Blog) about preventing major hold ups on a major artery of Transport in the East of England. It is at a junction of the A17 and A15. 

Here is the newspaper article but remember the backdrop: little money for major road improvements (notwithstanding the Lincoln Bypass) and massive housing expansion planned for Sleaford (some smaller projects also in outlying Villages). 

Here is the Newspaper article. More will be needed for sure (not just at Holdingham). 

Otherwise the regular reports of accidents and potential fatalities will grow. 

Saturday 13 August 2016

Alternative Needed to using the Holdingham Roundabout

Once again an accident on or near the Holdingham Roundabout is causing a major disruption. 

The Sleaford Target has reported another accident today (13 August 2016) which is having a major impact on movements within the area. And further afield: as the Roundabout is a junction of the A15 and A17.

Decisions are needed, before all the proposed houses are built, to ensure that Sleaford does not become gridlocked by Traffic.

Here is the link. Traffic Chaos.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Holdingham Housing: all around!!

I seem to be involved in meetings about Housing in our area, at the moment. Holdingham Grange and the proposed 1400 houses in Sleaford West. 

Anyway the Holdingham Grange houses/properties are coming along fast with the first ones expected for sale this Autumn. I spoke to the Site Manager who confirmed this information. 2,3 and 4 bedroom properties. See the site. 

Post Note: The Show House (the first one shown) is now complete and open for viewing.  

Thursday 7 July 2016

Sleaford West 1400 houses Planning Briefing from NKDC

Planning Officers from NKDC visited Sleaford Town Council on Wedneday evening (July 6th) at their Full Council meeting. 

Some good questions asked, and some frank replies given, All in all a very useful meeting. 

It has all been videod (in 2 parts) and are at these Youtube links. 

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Looking After Trees in our Lincoln Road Play Area

Update: 14 July. A tree has been badly damaged (destroyed) maybe by a football being kicked against it.

I received a report through the Town Council Facebook site that trees had been damaged on the Lincoln Road Play.

The trees in question being the recently planted ones as part of the programme helped in pat by grants.

Latest (4 July) Two trees on the StAnnes side have had the straps cut.

Previous: So I went down in trepidation at what I might see. In the end not as bad as  I had feared. After a couple of days on very heavy storms, with hailstones covering the area white over, the damage was less that I had feared.

The trees on the St Anne's  side were largely untouched but the ones near the Lincoln Road were generally intact but with the ties/straps broken. How it has happened (vandalism or storm battered) is unclear (to me anyway).

The biggest eyesore was the amount of litter (soft drink bottles and junk food cartons and boxes). Why can't the users of these fast food items put them in the bins rather that trying to trash the bins. So sad!

Thursday 23 June 2016

Grass Cutting Cutbacks in Sleaford (not the kind we want)

 A list of affected areas of Sleaford which will be affected by County Cutbacks - has been issued. 

I don't think it is something that can be let to residents (some maybe). Having just been to the polling station to cast my referendum vote (which needs  paid staff to administer) it seems there is always money for that (OK it hasd to be done) but also there is the issue of funding all the layers of Local Government and the amounts in expendiurea and allowances that it entails. 

Anyway: rant over. Here are two more imagesof the Holdingham area where savings are to be made. The Brownish area is NK which will be maintaiend: the Yellowie/Green colour is Councy which I thinka re the bits to be axed. 

Friday 17 June 2016

Thursday 9 June 2016

How Many Houses For Sleaford?

Watch the Town Council Debate!

Post Note: Interestingly the Pensioners Alliance has issued this guidance to ite members of General Council on aspects of Health and Wellbeing. It refers to the infrastructure aspects that should be guaranteed, to protect in their case well being of elderly people (of which is a growing number).

It could be argued that we are only paying lip-service to this and  cannot really guarentee this infrastructure because of lack of investment and piecemeal approach.


Not the best quality on this YouTube debate but still useful comments by Councillors. 

The Cogglesford Mill Application outcome  also raises issues. 

Saturday 4 June 2016

Sleaford West Planning Application: 16/0498/OUT

How much democracy and forward planning will it undertake?

The Sleaford Town Council discussed this proposal last Wednesday (1 June 2016). 
It has two weeks in which to make useful comments. Using the freedom on information Act and laws to allow video recordings on Council debates some material is available.

The recording is available on You Tube and marked Sleaford Town Council (debates). One is 23 minutes long and the other (Part 2) about 16 minutes. 

The issues these types of development arouse are serious ones.
Well done Councillors. 

Thursday 26 May 2016

Neighbourhood Plan: Sleaford and Kirkby La Thorpe

What does this mean for the Link Road and the rest of Sleaford?

The development of a Neighbourhood Plan (or Plans) for Sleaford came about through the Town Council adopting advice from their Consultants. 

A bit late in the day but better late than never as some might say.

It has been registered with the Planning Authority N.K.DC and the plan will only be finally approved when confirmed (not just by N.K.DC) by an independent  Planning Inspector. This will be to ensure that it has reached the required standards: if it doesn;'t then recommendations will be made and the Planning Authority will have to consider the Inspectors views. 

The story so far is at Neighbourhood Planning

Many other Councils have gone through this process: not just in N.K.DC but nationwide. Some have been accepted in total but some, because they do not comply with the overall Local Plan through the Central Plan have not been accepted so far.

One issue certainly will be about the access routes into and around Sleaford. Watch this space (or better still the local media). 


Friday 13 May 2016

Where will all the traffic go in Sleaford?

Posters, from NKDC, have been pinned to the lamp-posts near where I live in Holdingham today (13 May 2016). Post-note: Councillor Fernades has sent this link to me where the information is:

I must have missed a trick as I thought we had not finished commenting on the Local Plan (Central Lincolnshire version). A lot of houses, and promised facilities, to be accessed.

How long the development of the plans will take is anybodies guess. All on good greenfield land.

Monday 9 May 2016

Official Opening of new Sleaford Town Council Premises (Town Hall)

These (two) movies show the opening ceremony. Using my Camcorder.

 Firstly the dedication by  Sleaford Parish Church: The Revd Philip Johnson - Vicar of Sleaford: and opening speech by Councillor Mark Graves with introduction by Mayor Garry Titmus. Then a short one of the unveiling of the Plaque. 

First video above: Dedication (> 3 minutes long)

The second (much shorter) is here: Unveiling

Saturday 23 April 2016

St George's Day in Sleaford

I always like to see plenty of people around and hope the weather is fine, whenever Sleaford holds a Market. Not just today (St Georges Day) but on other days too. It is not always the case but this years St georges Day was bright (sunny intervals) but cold whenever the sun went in.

All the stall spaces were taken and a fair number of people were attending the market. The Morris Dancers gave their usual energetic diplay and the video below shows some of that. It was nice to see one or two younger people entering the fun and being given impromptu lessons.

Well done everyone involved.

Friday 18 March 2016

Sleaford Councillor Candidate does well in Ashby de la Launde and Cranwell ward.

Didn't he do well? 

It was interesting that two of the three candidates in the Ashby de la Launde and Cranwell ward by-election came from Sleaford itself.  Well done Steve Clegg (who won) and is also a Sleaford Town Councillor. 

The local newspaper carried the story and also appeared on the NKDC web-site within minutes of the result being declared. 

Here they are: Sleaford Standard:  North Kesteven District Council.  

Added to that there is also good news about funding for Sleaford (through the Town Council)  from Tesco. It gives £12K to help develop and grow trees to enhance the town. So thanks Tesco and thanks to the Councillors who have helped in the last few months to raise our profile to improve our environment.

Trees already planted on George Street Play area/Open Space through its budgets. The new Tesco funds will help improve other areas.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Is the sewage in Sleaford? Or is it a wider Sleaford Problem?

Interestingly a report in a local "Sleaford" Newspaper" suggests sewage is seeming through to the surface in wet weather (and we have had much of that of late).

However on reading the article it mostly appears to be outside Sleaford.  

Like other areas we also have our problems when Septic-Tanks overflow and enter into the drains. But back to the newspaper article: please get it right media! The massive housing increase will put great strains on the infrastructure and will need massive investment. But lets be clear where the problem is. 

Back to you planners!

Saturday 27 February 2016

Sleaford Clean for the Queen: extend the principle for every day of the year!

Unsightly litter is a constant (and seemingly worsening) problem everywhere. Alongside Roads and Motorways evidence of litter (much thrown out of vehicles as an unwelcome present for the nearby Community).

 However  it is not all from that source but can be dropped by residents who have visited local Stores and Takeaways and other sources. 

March 4th was litter pick day on Castlefield(s) open space:  lovely area if looked after and kept clean. Thanks to everyone who attended to help. 

Postnote: Since I first wrote this piece the Beck and access to Newcomb court looks cleaner. Obviously there has been a litter pick of some sort - where thorns do not prevent cleaning of the Beck.
I went a walk to Leasingham this morning (27 Feb) and noticed one or two changes (see photos below). Firstly work has started on the Holdingham Grange housing development alongside the A17. Lets hope that is inhabited by litter conscious residents. 

Unfortunately along the Hockmeyers side of the Lincoln Road there is evidence of an increase in litter piling up in the Becks. Because of the prickly growth it was hard to get a close-up. In a week when some Councillors and residents are involved in the Clean for the Queen - this part of town does not appear on the list (I am on the Castlefield Clean up). 

However if anyone wants to complain please do so - I will also add my three pennyworth.

Friday 19 February 2016

Housing and Planning Bill 2015-16: is it relevant to Sleaford and the Wider Area?

How many first time buyers will it affect?

I write this Blog piece as a way of educating myself. To my knowledge the Housing Bill is with the House of Lords for comment. So it is not quite on the Statute Books yet.

Plenty of amendment are being suggested for the House of Commons to consider. Getting on the Housing ladder is difficult as I remember all too well. It may even be a factor in recent local Newspaper headlines relating to the Tesco (ex Avanta Seeds) site. In its provision it will contain legislation relating to the use of "Brownfield" sites. 

Obviously such sites have to be contamination free to be of any use for Housing. And many other things. 

The general consensus is that development of the site (and access say to Boston Road) would be beneficial to Sleaford.  That is my reading of the situation anyway. I am advised that 82% of Local Councils have now produced Local Plans: that is a start. 

So what are the uses? Here is what the legislation contains!

"The publication of the Housing Bill will (it is claimed) help deliver 1m  homes by 2020. 

New Affordable Starter Homes - a new legal duty will be placed on Councils to guarantee the delivery of Starter Homes on all reasonably sized development sites to promote schemes to first time buyers. This by helping Councils prepare Brownfield sites that would otherwise not be used to build Starter homes. 

Automatic Planning Permission in principle on Brownfield sites etc. "

There is more but you get the drift. It will need access and one option is the put a link through to Boston Road from the Tesco site. 

Which leads me back to the ex-Avanta Seed site. Now owned by Tesco. Hope that at least explains some of things that are going on. 

Saturday 6 February 2016

Holdingham: Sleaford or Ruskington?

The Boundary Commission is proposing Boundary Changes (electorally) that will ahve major implications for the future.

For Holdingham it is, at present, suggesting that the northern part around Holdingham Lane but excluding Woodside, becomes part of Ruskington.

This latter  division will also incorporate Leasingham and Rauceby as well as some hamlets.

The link is here Boundary Change Proposals. Democracy or not. The proposals for Sleaford in general keep it at 18 Councillors but 8 of these will be in the Quarrington Ward.

What is important is "will the Becks be kept clean"?  Will the traffic control and bus services meet the expected expansion? Answers on a past card.

This division comprises five whole parishes including Ruskington and North and South Rauceby. It also includes the south-eastern edge of Cranwell, Brauncewell & Byard’s Leap parish and the north-eastern area of Sleaford parish. We received two proposals for division arrangements relating to this area. The proposed pattern varies from those suggested to allow for better electoral equality across the district. We received no further submissions relating specifically to this area. The division also allows for good electoral equality and makes use of clearly identifiable boundaries on the ground. The division has been renamed   Ruskington.

Sleaford 1 -10%

This division comprises Sleaford, Clay Hill, Sleaford West Junction and Sleaford North Junction. We received two proposals for division arrangements relating to this area. The proposed pattern varies from those put forward in order to allow for better electoral equality across the district. We received one further submission relating specifically to this area. This proposed no change to the area. However, no changes to the existing pattern of divisions in this area, would not provide for good electoral equality. The proposed division allows for good electoral equality and makes use of clearly identified boundaries on the Ground. 

Sunday 31 January 2016

So how important are Trees to Sleaford?

Boston Road Recreation Ground Tree Renewal? 

Interestingly a Tree Officer report is circulating, and has been presented to the Sleaford Town Council, on the health of some of the trees on the Recreation Ground. Some, not many compared to the total number of trees need attention: either felling or "surgery". Replacement,  as I understand, is expected to be Oak.

Clearly this means that they may, or will become dangerous, if they fall on those residents using the wooded area to, for instance, walk dogs. So warning signs will be needed.

About 5 or 6 trees are earmarked for felling.There are preservation orders to consider.

On a more positive note there are 3 Black Poplars (not at risk) that is hoped to take cuttings from for the future.