Tuesday 24 January 2017

Sleaford & Holdingham: Consultation On Local Plan

Policies Map Modifications, January - March 2017. 
There is now only 6 weeks or so left before the Planning Inspector Modifications are adopted. 

Post Note I received reply to what Secondary Access means. 

"It isn't envisaged that that these secondary accesses will  be open to the whole (all) of the SUE.
Only to a limited number of dwellings defined in the traffic assessment."

 I am not sure I am any the wiser.  


Here is the link:  Holdingham, and other parts of Sleaford, is around pages 35,36,37. See the site
 at: Inspectorate

For Holdingham: will it result in Rat-Runs between the A.15 and the Lincoln Road/Northgate (B1518)
or just emergency access or something else. 

I fear it will create problems. 

Those requiring provision of emergency access and access to shops will be a big pressure grouping. 

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