Friday 4 May 2018

Holdingham Grange: Access to Pride Parkway Issues

The new development continues apace. However the second phase is still only at outline planning phase. This will confirm, when finalised, how access from Phase 1 and 2 will access East Road/Pride Parkway. Here is a report from PLanning through the Sleaford County Councillor (Kate Cook).

I got this message through Kate Cook the Sleaford County Councillor re phase 1 & 2 of the Holdingham Grange development. Phase 1 of the Persimmon development had a condition attached (no 23 for 12/1022/OUT):

There shall be no access between the application site and the land due east of the site boundary, identified as a potential future extension to Sleaford Enterprise Park, other than for pedestrians, cyclists and buses. Prior to the first occupancy of any development, details of a scheme to provide a suitable form of barrier, control or restriction to prevent unauthorised access to/between the application site and the adjoining land other than for pedestrians, cyclists and buses shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the District Planning Authority.
This shall include details of the timing/phasing of the scheme along with details of future maintenance and monitoring responsibilities, and the scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details and implementation plan and shall be retained in perpetuity.
Reason: In the interests of residential amenity and highways safety and capacity to prevent possible future use of the spine road by cars, Light and Heavy Goods Vehicles associated with the potential future expansion of Sleaford Enterprise Park and to promote access to this area by non-car modes to accord with saved Local Plan policies C5, T3 and T4 and to advice contained in Section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
Phase 2 is currently with NK (17/1031/OUT) and has not been determined.

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