Saturday 19 May 2018

Mayor and Sleaford Town and North-Kesteven District Councillor: Holdingham

It is not that it hasn't happened before. A District Councillor and a Town Councillor are one and the same person. This time the Councillor is from Holdingham. 

From Sleaford Standard

Clearly there are fine demarcations to attend to. One is time availability to attend District meetings and attend Town Council meetings. The latter will include being Chairman of Full Council: an event that takes place every two weeks or so. Added to that  is the representation of Sleaford at invited Civic Events. It might even include raising cash for Charities. The volume of work and attending to potential conflicts of interest can be tricky. I know I have been there.

The Sleaford Standard gave news of the election last Wednesday. A photo of the new Mayor with the outgoing mayor is contained in it.  I also attach a link to a YouTube video of one of the Agenda Items of last Wednesday: the choosing of Councillors to sit on Panels where strategies are discussed as well as the Management of Human Resources. 

Much to discuss: so it will be interesting to see the next Year unfold. Attending to Litter and Traffic is being addressed all the time and needs co-ordination between all three (3) Councils (Town, District and County) plus others. 

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