Friday 2 October 2020

It Never Rains but it Pours: a Blog Theme of our times for Sleaford & Holdingham

 As it happens it has just started raining for what is forecast to be a wet week-end.

In more ways than one it seems. 

There are several themes on the news at the moment after weeks and weeks of constant Covod-19 stories (some very sad but one or two reasons to be cheerful). Exhaustion appears to be creeping in after promises which don't always come to fruition. Here is an image from the Daily Telegraph as we teeter on (or already in) a second wave.

Whilst Closing Times have been getting a lot of attention there is a lot going on.

Zoom events, and similar, seem to be appearing on an increasing basis: and personally if I accepted all I would be busy 23 hours per day. Most are Webinars but one or two are  direct Zoom events with maybe about 100 - 200 attendees. Added to that, Podcasts and Reports, and the world has certainly changed to a more virtual mode.

I have three or four strings to follow. International especially China and Hong Kong:  Local Political issue and with effects of Brexit negotiations, Employment effects of Covid-19:  Sustainability (Green Energy) and last but not least Climate Change and TV productions bending towards productions featuring futuristic worlds based on Sustainable lifestyles.

Centre For Cities also invite me onto their Zoom discussions. Apparently Cities and Large Towns are being affected by a movement of residents out of Urban Areas. Interesting topic. 

Note: I am a member of RTS, RMetS, Twitter and Prospect - so some of my information comes from them.

Enough for the moment.   

Sunday 9 August 2020

Green Energy: Zero-Sum Carbon Emissions by 2050 through exploitation of Renewable Sources? Lincolnshire Effect?

Reduced reliance on Carbon Fuels and the pollution: 

Green Recovery Plan for the energy sector

As the Government Department States:  

UK becomes first major economy to pass net zero emissions law

(New target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.) The BBC put it this way last year (click image)Man cleaning solar panels at Landmead solar farm

Most renewable energy sources originate from the sun (solar energy), while tidal energy originates from the gravitational pull of the moon, and geothermal energy results from heat trapped below the surface of our planet. See below!

Is Nuclear also an option? 

What is Green Energy: Here is the Open University Definition

Solar energy can be used directly in a two different ways. The heating part of the Sun’s rays can be used to directly produce hot water (solar thermal), while the light energy can directly produce electricity from photovoltaic cells (PV).

There are, however, a number of indirect ways in which solar energy can be utilised:

·       Wind energy has been utilised for mills and pumps for hundreds of years, but has been harnessed to produce electricity during the past several decades. Wind 'farms' have been set up in the UK, and around the world, both inland and offshore.Image result for Wind Energy

·       Wave energy technology is still in the early development phase but several devices have been tested in pilot projects. The most widely used is the oscillating water column which uses waves to push air through a turbine which generates electricity.

·       Tidal energy is utilised by allowing the tide to build up a head of water behind a barrier, then allowing the water to flow through a turbine to produce electricity. The effectiveness depends on the position of the moon, being greatest at full and new moons. Tidal currents can also be used to generate power, by installing turbines in the flows, and that is seen as a more likely way ahead than building large invasive barrages.

·       Geothermal energy is energy taken from hot regions below the surface. The available heat varies from place to place.

Note: Nuclear Energy: energy is produced by a controlled nuclear chain reaction and creates heat—which is used to boil water, produce steam, and drive a steam turbine. The turbine can be used for mechanical work and also to generate electricity. This is being looked at more seriously than previous!! This option is also being widely pushed (n addition to the above). It is safer and appears (to many) as less costly to produce. Image result for Nuclear Energy Examples

Sunday 7 June 2020

Virtual Meetings: Holdingham Viewpoint

At least the lockdown has brought about the use of Zoom and other interfaces through which to hold virtual meetings. Saves time and money actually attending in person but maybe shortcomings as well!

It also gives better opportunities to see the salient points and use them to fine-tune arguments on other forums. 

The ones I use most are Centre For Cities, The Royal Television Society and ITV. A mixture of planning, information and entertainment choices. I have been members for years now having worked in TV (weather Forecasts at ITN), Council work and Royal Television Society. Plus associated Meteorological forums (including international).

Obviously dying for a McDonalds: good publicity or bad?
Locally we have open spaces but with restrictions on their usage (at present) . 

Traffic on the Lincoln Road is often congested and speeding is not uncommon. The McDonalds and other fast food takeaways near the Hodingham Roundabout can only be used as drive-in collection - is the Lincoln Road as an entrance the wisest place these days.
Maybe and I am sure the Companies are aware and so is the planning authority.
See the narratives below referring to Centre For Cities and also the impact on our viewing habits from TV etc. Public Service broadcasting may survive but new addition may not. 
So back to the big picture.

I start with the growing use and informed opinion available via Zoom, Skype and Youtube. 
Here are some relevant excerpts which may have implications for the Sleaford area, including Holdingham.  

Clearly viewing numbers and viewing patterns have been affected: infrastructure spending is needed nationally but money is extremely tight: and the weather which plays havoc with plans -when one season produces a massive excess of water and the next has panic stations when it doesn't rain for weeks on end. So that is one relevant area to invest in.

But how on earth do we (as a Country) try and spread the good years to alleviate the bad (storage of excess water for instance). Centre For Cities is advising (with more to come) on relevant issues. 

Support for Local Services

So TV is looking to many habits adopted in Lock down to be carried on after Lock down   

Saturday 23 May 2020

Lockdown: a view from Holdingham

Lots happening at the moment with what seems like pressure to free ourselves from the limiting (debilitating?) effects of the Covid-19 outbreak. 

Economic forecasts are dire with many working from home or being laid-off as firms close down (Nationally) or reduce output or (in some cases) changing their mode of operation.

 Debates run as to the need and conditions of the lock-down (Stay ay Home or Stay Alert) and what that implies. 

Has the Covid-19 been handled well or badly? Whatever the answer we are where we are. 


But back to basics. 

Two forums that I am a member of are: Royal Television Society and the Centre For Cities (which also covers large Towns and is associated with Centre For Towns). 

Below are two Events covering the titles given. They last for an hour so choosing the issues that will have impact on Sleaford (and others in Lincolnshire) have to be identified.

Centre For Cities: The future  of Urban Transport    
Centre For Cities: Exit strategy: can the high street survive?  

Additionally the RTS provided a Zoom transmitted Conversation :  Industry Impact of Covid-19 (RTS = Royal Television Society). The video is not available yet for this. 

So the issue of how we escape with least damage to our functioning as a Country is being hotly debated. 

Friday 15 May 2020

A new Mayor of Sleaford (and a Deputy Mayor from Holdingham).

I watched the AGM of the Sleaford Town Council on Wednesday (13 May)  evening (virtual meeting using Zoom software)

A new Mayor was elected (Anthony Brand) who represents the Westholme Ward. 
The new Deputy Mayor is Robert Oates who represents the Holdingham Ward. Their details can be found on the Sleaford Town Council web-site.

The direct link to Councillor Brand and Councillor Oates as Mayor and Deputy is at this link.    

More to follow. Looks like Zoom will become a regular feature. 

More to follow. Strange times we are living in!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Coronavirus: the view from Holdingham Sleaford

Local Picture (as at 12 May 2020)

Walking along Holdingham Lane and round the pathway was pleasant in the Spring Sunshine today (6 May). We met several couples and we all observed the distance recommendations. Our regulatory daily outing if we have understood the rules (a bit vague). Very quiet in Holdingham on 7 May but traffic on the Lincoln Road was brisk around midday and some speeding apparent. 

View towards McDonalds (closed)

Farm Bridge towards Leadingham (quiet)
Holdingham Lane
Farm Bridge towards Roundabout
The Lincolnshire Live still shows concerns about Police interpretation of the rules. Our Care Homes as sources of transmission still occur.

Broader Picture

There are several issues that keep appearing and involving: Local, National  and International Politics.
These are shown below:

Local Government Meetings (off-line) 
Latest Political Statements: 
Pandemic: where did it start?

Summary 12 May 2020
The wider picture is still blurred and a promise of a new blueprint from the PM starting Monday 11 May 2020.  Nationally the UK death rates seems to be topping the WHO (World Health Organisation) league tables for Europe but whether or not the comparisons are a fair reflection is hard to determine.

Local Council Meetings Using ZOOM software. 

Adaptating to the Coronavirus and the need for distant (off-line meetings) has led to the Local Council adopting  such - using ZOOM software. There are pitfalls: here is a summary of what has to happen if Councils want to go ahead. Councils if they wish can also not meet until they have the facilities.  

The government has issued supplementary regulations that allow for meetings to be held online and also provides for postponement of annual meetings and such like. They are found at

By and large, the old rules can still apply. That is to say meetings according to an agreed schedule go ahead as planned, with the clerk issuing the agenda and supporting documents. 
Clearly these will need to include details of how to join the online meetings. As others have mentioned, there is also the power for the chairman or two councillors to call an extraordinary meeting.
It should be feasible for all councillors to attend an online meeting, and to open it to the press and public. While it may be that not everyone will be able to set up a computer, smartphone or tablet to join a meeting, most systems also provide for participation entirely by telephone. There must be very few people who cannot gain access to either a telephone or a digital device. It is then up to the chairman to find ways to ensure that every council member is able to participate in the meeting and to vote.


Latest Ministerial and Political Statements

The Prime-Ministers  Statement of 10 May 2020 is here: PM Statement

The Leader of the Opposition response 11 May is here: Keir Starmer

Thursday 23 January 2020

Proposed Improvements to A17 Holdingham Roundabout and junction with A153 Sleaford

Investments in the resources attributable to the Holdingham Roundabout are under discussion again on January 30th at full council.

Whether or not his investment, which includes The junction on the A153 near the Rugy Club, will meet longer erm needs are debatable (at best). It has to be set aside the Central Lincolnshire local plan and its proposed expansion in the Lincolnshire population and vehicle usage of Lincolnshire's Roads.

Here is my take on this as published on local social media.
improvements to the Lincolnshire Roads have to be set against a backdrop of increased housing and hence traffic and show via press reports

"Road safety chiefs are urging the public to help cut the carnage on Lincolnshire's roads in the New Year after yet another 12 months of tragedy in 2019. Fifty-three people died in 48 crashes in the county by this morning, December 31, 2019, compared to a total of 56 fatalities in 2018. Among those who died in 2019 were 13 young people aged in their teens and early 20s. "

The debate,, and my comments, re the NKDC proposals are at:
Agenda Item7f of NKDC Council (Thursday 30 January) relates to the Holdingham Roundabout and the Rugby Club. Listening to the traffic reports every morning where the Holdingham Roundabout is mentioned it has to be asked if enough will be done. The traffic tail-back was 2.5 miles yesterday morning.