Thursday 9 June 2011

Holdingham Play Areas

There is a petition going round, so I am told, for better play area facilities near the Holdingham Roundabout. For advice to those involved: send it to your local Councillor(s) (me or instance) or to the Town Clerk. It will then get debated.

I recollect organising a petition years ago, about the Lincoln Road, when I first joined the Council. It took a while but the Lincoln Road Open Space/Play Area has improved beyond recognition since then.


Ralph said...

I would love the council to install some outdoor fitness equipment such as this:

leanne said...

hi me and my partner are doing a petition for the new estate holdingham mead..the kids are doing so much criminal damage to the properties..we need somewhere asap and the housing association dont seem to be listening..? can you help us thankyou

John Charlesworth said...

Ralph, Lianne

Have you a copy of the petition? If so can you let me have a copy or provide it to any of the PCSO's who may visit Holdinghsam Mead? By Wednesday evening this week?