Thursday 10 December 2015

Can a Holdingham Councillor make a local difference?

The Town Council meeting on 9th December 2015 chose a new Deputy Mayor and also a "Leader". The Deputy Mayor David Suitor represents Navigation but the newly elected Leader is from Holdingham (now residing in Leasingham).

So it is nice to be represented - to query and hopefully modify the endless applications that may not deliver on amenities.

Monday 7 December 2015

Holdingham Anaerobic Plant: Nearing Completion?

Was this what it was supposed to look like? 

Various things happening within the Holdingham Ward - so I will start this blog with the one expected to be finished first!

The Road, from the A.15 down to the Digestor Plant is half tarmacked but much of it still track. It is already getting very muddy even though it hasn't become operational yet!

The fencing has been removed except for the safety fencing between the Walkway/Cycle-way and the road track down from the A.15 to the Digestor Plant. They did mention originally that completion would be before Christmas. If that is the right word  to use. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Changing Face of Holdingham

So how many deliveries will it take? 

I took this video of Lorries entering and leaving the Anaerobic Site on 13 October 2015. For a short period in the afternoon. The backdrop to it is that the full operations are not supposed to commence until the exit/entrance is finished and the Sustrans Lottery money funded cycle -way is working safely and normally.

However a safety "warden" was in place to ensure cyclists crossiig the track (temporary or otherwise) were safe.

Here is the video. Lorries left by turning left towards the Holdingham Roundabout.

The total effect on the adjoining A.15 and local area is still unclear.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Preserving the Historic Settlement of Holdingham: Really? Update at start of Consultation Period!

The consultation period has begun: an "exhibition/brief is being held toady 5 October in the Source 3.15 pm to 7.30 pm. The statement relating to Holdingham has not changed much. Here is an extract.

 Sleaford West Quadrant (Land to the west of Drove Lane and to the east of the A15) Development at Sleaford West Quadrant, as identified on the Policies Map, will result in the creation of comprehensively planned, new sustainable neighbourhood to the West of Sleaford of up to 1,600 dwellings (subject to technical studies which may reduce this figure). The first phases of development are likely to include the provision of an appropriate, limited scale(informed by traffic modelling) of residential development served from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue. The provision of a new roundabout off the A15 will be required to deliver subsequent phases of the development. More specifically, proposals for this area should: a. deliver a new local centre of around 1 ha to meet the day-to-day needs of Sleaford West Quadrant new community and nearby residents, incorporating provision of local retail facilities, services and community uses. b. provide a new healthcare facility of 0.5ha adjoining the local centre; c. provide a minimum of 3ha of mainly use class B1 employment land including a range of premises to complement the existing employment offer in the Sleaford area; d. provide a non-sitetwoformentryprimaryschoolof1.8hasiteareaandsecondaryeducation facility of 5. 5ha site area; e. support the delivery of the Sleaford East West Leisure Link to connect the town centre to green wedges and improve connectivity, as identified in the Sleaford  Masterplan; f. ensure access is provided via The Drove for pedestrians,cyclists,buses,existing residents and businesses and allotment holders, but not for residents of the new dwellings; g. deliver primary vehicular access for the development via a new junction with the A15 with appropriatemeasurestomanageanyadverseimpactonmovementwithinthewiderSleaford Area and the Town Centre in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Sleaford Transport Strategy. Secondary accesses will be provided from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue; h. Include a range of measures which promote safe walking and cycling which maximise opportunities associated with the proximity to the River Slea and connect the site to the Town Centre;

i. Provision on site of green infrastructure and public open space of around 11ha, which links intothewidergreeninfrastructurenetworkfortheSleafordAreaandincludesmultifunctional, dual use of the school playing fields; Central Lincolnshire| Further Draft Local Plan - October 2015 Sleaford

j. Ensuring that the development is safe from flooding from the River Slea through the application of the sequential approach to inform the site layout, ensuring that vulnerable land uses are,where possible, directed to lower areas of risk or are appropriately mitigated; k. Preserving the setting of the historic settlement of Holdingham.

9.3 Protecting Sleaford's  Setting and Character 9.3.1 Sleaford’s  historic centre and land alongside the River Slea are covered by a Conservation

The draft Master Plan is out and consultations are beginning: not a lot of time and some applications seem to have already been lodged (draft Grantham Road fore example.

However it finishes by saying it wants to preserve the Historic Settlement of Holdingham. A section is given below (Page 105 of the draft Master Plan). Most amazing!

Sleaford West Quadrant (Land to the west of Drove Lane and to the east of the A15) Development at Sleaford West Quadrant, as identified on the Policies Map, will result in the creation of comprehensively planned, new sustainable neighbourhood to the West of Sleaford of up to 1,600 dwellings (subject to technical studies which may reduce this figure). The first phases of development are likely to include the provision of an appropriate, limited scale (informed by traffic modelling) of residential development served from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue. The provision of a new roundabout off the A15 will be required to deliver subsequent phases of the development. More specifically, proposals for this area should:
(a) deliver a new local centre of around 1 ha to meet the day-to-day needs of Sleaford West Quadrant new community and nearby residents, incorporating provision of local retail facilities, services and community uses.
(b) provide a new healthcare facility of 0.5ha adjoining the local centre;
(c) provide a minimum of 3ha of mainly use class B1 employment land including a range of premises to complement the existing employment offer in the Sleaford area;
(d) provide an on-site two form entry primary school of 1.8ha site area and secondary education facility of 5.5ha site area;
(e) support the delivery of the Sleaford East West Leisure Link to connect the town centre to green wedges and improve connectivity, as identified in the Sleaford Masterplan;
(f) ensure access is provided via The Drove for pedestrians, cyclists, buses, existing residents and businesses and allotment holders, but not for residents of the new dwellings;
(g) deliver primary vehicular access for the development via a new junction with the A15 with appropriate measures to manage any adverse impact on movement within the wider Sleaford Area and the Town Centre in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Sleaford Transport Strategy. Secondary accesses will be provided from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue;
(h) Include a range of measures which promote safe walking and cycling which maximise opportunities associated with the proximity to the River Slea and connect the site to the Town Centre;

Preserving the setting of the historic settlement of Holdingham.

Sunday 6 September 2015

So will it be alright on the night? A15 Holdingham I mean!

The latest development looks like the photo (5 September) with a link into the Digestor Plant and one out. Hedges have been removed to allow this: also there is anew strip that links one side of the 90 degree bend to the other.

Whether or not this in addition to the present Cycle-Pedestrian track I do not know. Time to find out I suppose.
The Anaerobic Digestor Plant seems to be progressing as planned. I have seen photos from the other side which support that.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Only one piece of a complex Jigsaw in Holdingham!!

Which way out for residents: keeping Holdingham as one entity.

These photos represent the view looking East and West from the end of where the 290 properties are planned at Holdingham/A17. The plans are for vehicles to go to the mini-roundabout (near McDonalds) and they then can go to the Holdingham Roundabout or into Town down the Lincoln Road. 

If they want to go to Pride Parkway and East Road then they will have to go the long way - whichever suits them or is accessible. 

So when will it be possible to go to Pride Parkway (still in Holdingham) without going the long way? Ok we don't want a rat run but it is 2015 and modern solutions of control must be on the market. Having just listened to the debate on rhe 200 Houses near the A15 Roundabout at Quarrington which wil have two access points - this application needs to be considered again to avoid serious complexities in the future.

August 13 2015 

The actual debate starts at around 1 hr 15 mins.

Over to you Highways. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Changing Shape of Holdingham!?

Latest Photgraphs at end July 2015

I took these photographs today (23rd). Work going on both sides of the A17. Near New Wood the development of the Anaerobic Digestor Plant and access. To the south of the A17 (the Anaerobic Development can be seen in the distance). 

Friday 3 July 2015

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Has work started on Road between A15 and Anaerobic Digestor Plant (near New Wood)?.

Obviously it was bound to happen once the election and  results were safely out of the way.

The work looks to have started on buidling a road for vehicles to get to the expected, and approved by NKDC, Anaerobic Digestion Plant. Certainly a two way stretch down towards the sineage relating to Sustrans

I spoke with the workmen and they assured me that every step will be taken to protect those travelling along the Cycle-Tract at the point the new road crosses the "Sustrans" Cycle path.

Be vigilant and make sure they keep their word.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Woodside Open Area

I took a few shots of Woodside Open Space/Play area yesterday.

 A very nice area with the Sleaford Wood as a wnd shield to the east/Nort-east.

Access is difficult except possibly at the Beech Rise entrance end.

Monday 11 May 2015

Chicken Farm appeal dismissed

Update: The Story ahs now appeared in the Sleaford Standard. 

It was held back until the election was over (that is my interpretation). But the decision is welcome all the same.

How on earth did it go this far?

Click here and then click on relevant document decision.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Holdingham Chicken Farm: Latest no news!!!

Case Officer Latest!

Well , they told a group of residents attending the inspection of the site, on 31 March,  to contact the Planning Inspectorate if, after 5 weeks, we had heard nothing! We have heard nothing so off went my e-mail! 

The reply stated " "The file is still with the Inspector and I cannot advise you as to when a decision will be made on the appeal.". 

So that's it for the time being. We will, I assume, have to wait until after the election. 

Friday 24 April 2015

Play Areas in Holdingham

Now that an election is approaching it may be an opportune time to review the quality and use of our Play Areas. 

Today I took some shots of the Lincoln Road Play area. Eight years ago I went door knocking, before we had all the facilities now available. Residents wanted somehere for the lads to play football, also a toddlers play area.

We also had a large hedge and so those of the recreation ground couldn't see the traffic. A vice-versa of course. However there was a downside to that and the Neighbourhood Watch/Police advised it would be better to cut the shrubs and trees down. That way, if there was any trouble, it would be better to keep a check on things. It worked.

Now 8 years on, and after all the facilities have been installed it is time, maybe to think of upgrades and improvement. There is more to Sleaford than say the Boston Road recreation ground.

Saturday 18 April 2015

St Georges Day Sleaford

I went to the Market Place this Saturday to have a look at events for St Georges Day.

The Town Crier formally opened the event at 09.30am. Luckily the weather was fine and there appeared to be a good turn out.

Here are two short video shots!
Saturday Morning

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Panoramic View of the area affected by the Anaerobic Plant and the Chicken Farm (if the planned development goes ahead).

The time for the decision by the Planning Inspectorate is only a week or two away. Here is a view by Camcorder of the area affected.

Sunday 5 April 2015

TV Election Debates

The TV debate, on 2 April 2015 featuring 7 leaders of the Political Parties in the May General Election appears to have been a big success and comment is still all over the media.

Here is a 3 minute condensed version. The minor parties did well (publicity wise) and got valuable exposure on the TV. AS usual the effect on the poll ratings is on the margins as the samples used are already politically biased to some extent. 


Friday 3 April 2015

Election Time and the Social Media in Sleaford

This notice, by the local police, show some concerns about the impact of the social media on the elction.

An article is in the Standard and this link is to that. I will bring the matter up, if appropriate, at the Neighbourhood Watch AGM in mid-April. 

My concern is that it could lead to as many problems as it solves. 

But we shall see! A diiferent attitude would take place in say the USA!

Monday 23 March 2015

Moving to a resolution: Chicken Farm Holdingham and Leasingham

The Planning Inspectorate is moving towards decision time!

Postnote: the Planning Inspectorate visited the site today (31/03) - between 1315 and 1400hrs. It was a windy reception (gusts 50mph).  About a dozen people turned up. We were told that a decision is expected to be made within the next 5 weeks.

 Interestingly the appeal timetable on their web-site is not now available.

 An inspection of the site is planned for the end of March! I assume a decision will be made in the weeks that follow: probably before the local elections in May. 

Maybe that is why there is now a sign indicating that the land, from the signage of the Sustrans Track, to say that public access to the New Wood is refused as the land is private! 

Saturday 14 March 2015

Eight Weeks to go: Will Sleaford & North Hykeham follow the national trend?

Whatever the national trend is!! 

At the moment there appears to be four candidates locally who have declared their intention to stand! In 2010 there were 6 candidates so maybe there are more to declare.Wikipedia is still giving three (26 March) so I have linked to this site.  Click here!  

The National opinion polls seem to suggest (at this stage) a slight weakening of the Labour vote but still in a "hung" parliament setting. Locally the only survey I have seen relates to Boston & Skegness obtained via UK Polling Report.

To repeat: there are still 8 weeks to go however!

Late News: The Sleaford Standard has highlighted that nominations start Monday 23 March 2015. It has also put out a Police warning about misrepresentation of candidates. 

Be careful all Twitter and Facebook users. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Sleaford Style Housing Applications


Todays Target is about another 1600 homes on the western edge of Sleaford: in addition to the Handley Chase. Obviously there will (and are ) concerns. On a wider note there will also be concerns about Roads, Schools, Medical facilities, Open Spaces and traffic congestion to name but a few. 

However it will be interesting to see if the residents affected will be afforded the same courtesy and concern as was afforded to Bassingham residents.

Watch this space> Last weeks NK Council meeting about the withdrawal of the CPO for the Recreation Ground on Boston Road doesn't bode well.


Thursday 5 March 2015

Sleaford Battleground's? But why?

We seem to have had battlegrounds galore over the years.

The biggest of course relates to the Recreation Ground. But others, as mentioned on this Blog have, and are still occuring.

The Anaerobic Digestor Plant is another. Even Private Eye is commenting this week on the bizarre decision making that is occuring in relation to big industrial size agricultural units.

The idea of the Big Society aka Localism was to set out the demarcation between Local (Neighbourhood) Plans, Town Plans and Region-wide core strategies. Well, perhaps (but  do not hold your breath), the May local and national elections will help sort that out. 

So the Headline in this weeks Standard (Battleground) is where we are at. It is surely time now to reflect ans ask ourselves why the over-emotive shenanigans at last weeks NK Council meeting occured - and why were they allowed to happen. How did we get here?

The Target version of events is here!

The NKDC recording is here  at the head of the Agenda (especially at 7.00 mins and at 1.18.30 hr.

Monday 2 March 2015

Litter! Not just Sleaford - Spalding also - and beyond!

An article in the "Spalding Guardian" seems to be reflect views of residents in Sleaford. Much of it from fast food outlets and off-licences!   Spalding Letter. 

We are lucky that volounteers clean the River Slea: Spalding is also in an area of waterways. The complaint in this letter is that the Council accepts the applications without really (in the views of the people) the nous to offset the problems it will cause. 

I have often taken photos in Sleaford, and complained to some effect, but at the end of every winter the rubbish is there again blighting the appearance of the Town. The photo below was taken at least one year ago but look over the fence this year and it is at least as bad.  

Sadly it is not just Lincolnshire: I regularly go to Leicestershire and South Yorkshire and it is as bad there!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

The strange tale of a CPO? Sleaford reflects!

NKDC meets to decide what to do next!

Postnote: the outcome of the NK "Council" meeting is given in a report in the Sleaford Standard (15 minutes after the vote was taken). A question was asked and the reply was as follows" It is also on the NK website as an audio recording with a question from a resident at 07:00 minutes and the debate at 1hour 18 minutes 30 seconds onwards.

Prior to meeting of 26 February
This saga goes back many years - before Tesco arrived on the scene in 2006/2007. I remember going to meetings before 2005. So we will see what the outcome is on 26 February at the Council meeting (NK version of a Full Council). 

Here is the report in todays Target and here is the agenda for tomorrow night (as I write it is the 25 February). The photo was taken some time ago: more photos are at Mark Suffields site: the issue is "Will the Rec Road issue be re-ignited" or will an altenative route be chosen or will the idea of a road from Mareham Lane to Boston Road be scrapped altogether? Or perhaps something in between? 

The reports suggest this saga will continue!!

Friday 20 February 2015

Public Right of Way? Sustrans Leasingham and Holdingham?

Latest Developments

On the local social media attention has been drawn to a new Gate and sign across what is deemed  by some to be also a Public Right of Way: there is also the issue of the Bridlepath further down. Perfhaps LCC can confirm this (or not as the case may be!)! What is the legal position?

I presume that the legal position was clarified before the sign was erected (this sign is set to the back  of the Sustrans signage on the Cycleway). 

The Bridle Path can be found by following this link!

No news yet from the Planning Inspectorate (Planning Casework Service) re this appeal!

By mid-March the proposed and keep out pathway had dried out somewhat!

Monday 16 February 2015

Does Sleaford need so much Community Space?

Time to rethink!

The aftermath of the pull out of the large Supermarket on the former Avanta Seeds site there is obviously now the question of what we (Sleaford) do next. I still await any cohesive and positive proposals although to be fair one or two Councillors (District and Town) and Council Executivees have made useful suggestions.

Maybe we have to await the outcome of the Spring Elections!

John Pinchbeck has written a useful  article in the Target which challenges the need for so much Community Space. This article can be found here!

Meanwhile NK at a recent forum asked residents to look at potential options including Business Opportunities and the ramifications of them on our future Community Charges! All good sky blue thinking stuff.

But it was a useful start!  I will add some of the proposals to this Blog in a day or two!

Provisional Figures comparing 2014/15 to 2015/16 see basic revenue streams as follows:

                                                          2014/15                                                   2015/16 

Business Rates                                   £3.54M                                                  £4.5M

Council Tax                                       £4.85M                                                 £5.04M                                 

Government  Funding                       £2.96M                                                £2.05M  

So the trend is for revenues from Central Government to fall and revenues (especially from Business Rates) to rise. To my knowledge the amount Local Authorities get from Businesss rates is vatriable and dependent on the type and size of the Busines!

An article in the Local news shows how the funding gap is going: Not too well. LCC have had to dip into the Reserves! See Article!

Friday 13 February 2015

Keeping Food Hygiene Standards amongst the best!! NK in the top ten!!

A bit of a boost to Sleaford, North Hykeham and the rest of NK. A Which Report  (Local Authority Food Hygiene Enforcement) has placed North Kesteven  39th out of 398 councils, and that (we) are in the top 10% of local Authorities! From my own perspective, during the time I have lived in Sleaford, standards of food in retaurants have improved.

Not bad eh!!! Keep it up!!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Decline of Super Supermarkets!!

The One Show: 3 February 2015

The above show did a feature this evening on the changing attitudes, by Retailers, on the development and opening of say a Tesco Extra (it has different names for other retailers). In my younger days my mother used to wait for the Green Grocer Van and the Grocery Van to come along once or twice a week!

How times have changed and are still changing! But how much did Sleaford really know that this was going to happen? 

It starts on the IPlayer at around 8 minutes 40 seconds! Matt Baker and Denise Lewis are the hosts!

Saturday 31 January 2015

Start from the Centre (of Sleaford) and work outwards!

Postnote: on 4 February this new regeneration article appeared in the Standard! Click here!
The Agenda for the Town Council meeting on 11 February has an item, in closed session, about a meeting between the TC, NKDC and LCC. Item 17!

  An interesting article appeared in the local newpaper (Sleaford Target)  this week-end. 

It related to comments by the Mayor on what would be (I presume his own comments)  a good solution to the former Avanta Seeds site which is now owned by Tesco. 

The story is covered here!

Now the problem with this is that it does not conform to any plans agreed by Council: the land is owned by Tesco and thirdly such land would be costly to buy. Unless of course a concessionery piece of land or some other remuneration was possible - and even then only when all affected parties had agreed to it.

It certainly raised much comment on the Social Media. I was under the impression that a consensus was being reached that the Town must improve the centre and work outwards.

Must be elections in the air.

I will be interested in the reactions to this - especially from NK and Tesco.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Sustrans Signage Holdingham! Where is the original??

On hearing that someone was working on the signpost (telling of the Sustrans work and support) for the project - I walked over there to see what changes had been made.

Alas: not as much as I had hoped (I had hoped for a new replacement). So here is the rearrangement.

 Hope the Planning Inspector knows what it represents and can read it!

Wednesday 21 January 2015

New Ideas for Sleaford required: after the Election!!!

Back to the Planning Table!! It will keep everyone busy at least!!

Post Note: The Standard has an article (January 23 2015) referring to the buying, by NKDC of Navigation Yard! Slight raised eyebrows at what may be seen as a change of tack - but maybe welcome all the same.  The Community Interest Company (CIC) aka Town Team also followed that line of reasoning.


The headlines today are about regeneration, or not, as the case may be. The Tesco withdrawal, and the forthcoming District and Town election has left everyone wondering locally what best to do next. The CPO is on hold: at least until after the General Election no doubt!!

No doubt meetings will be arranged, reports written, and battle will resume. After the May elections.

For the General Election in May, for the Sleaford and North Hykeham constituency I am still not clear, as of today (21 January), what the the final list of candidates will be.
Wikipedia is still saying two candidates: pity as I hope others will come in. YouGov and other polling organisations suggest, nationally, a close result: maybe even a "Hung" Parliament i.e. no overall majority for anyone.

Now that would be interesting. Minor Political Parties have more power in such situations.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Town Council Comments!! Chicken Units

Here is the Town Council letter to the Planning Inspectorate.

TC/Planning Inspectorate! The application is 14/0078/FUL if an entry point  is required.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Disappearing Sustrans Notice

Just before the Inspector starts investigating!

A post on Facebook has pointed out that the Sustrans Notice relating to the Support given to the cycleway  using Lottery Money has disappeared. 

Once again the notice is

A temporary image and script has been put there.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Two projects seemingly out of the Sleaford Towns hands!!

Chicken Farm/Anaerobic Digester Plant and Rec Road! Where do we go from here?

I am now at the point where I have to look elsewhere to see the State of Play with these major projects. The Planning officer is dealing with the Chicken Farm (the Anaerobic Plant Application having been seen as controversially  passed) and the Rec Road CPO.

Many statements have hit the headlines today in early January. The latest is from NK and the company representatives promoting the Chicken Farm

Firstly the state of play with the Planning Officer re Chicken Farm Appeal.

The Rec Road CPO seems uncertain as a result of Tesco deciding not to go ahead with the new Store it was to build on the old Avanta Seeds Site! 

The Press Office/Statements by NK have been appearing in succession all day. Here is one such statement. . What this will do to the SE Regeneration Plan and the overall Plan for the Town remains to be seen. The maltings will still be there needing decisions and a Bridge over the railway line at the Railway Station (to facilitate a closure of the crossing) is expected in some form. 

Keep reading the news and it might all become clearer: however there is an Election in 4 months time so don,t bet on it!