Wednesday 31 December 2008

2008 Review And Beyond

I went a walk around today on the last day of 2008; freezing I know but interesting.

Lincoln Road Play Area: there were one or two lads playing football on the Lincoln Road Play Area and Kickwall. So far this has been a great success. On the downside the amount of litter in the snicket leading to the Play Area is a constant source of frustration for residents. The litter is thrown by both Kids an Adults.
Holdinghm Roundabout Development: This is moving ahead as the photo shows. However the ramification could be dire unless properly planned - which it wasn't in the early planning stages.
This development has many implications for road traffic; use of facilities; transort; schooling and links to Leasingha. The traffic entering Holdingham, from the A15 and A17, is high and needs reducing - so other developments in Town will have major implications for Holdingham as well. The proposed move of the Tesco site, and any developments near the Town Centre, are important.
Other Issues:
Bowls Club: I am still not sure what is planned here. Any development needs access and the dependence on access, down Peterborough Way and via York Road to the Lincoln Road, needs to change.
Woodside Play Area: a very nice area but seemingly so little used. A bit of a catch 22 situation I know. With only one main access it is also a bit isolated for some. The Sleaford Wood backdrop is very nice.
Other issues is the lack of Refuges to cross the Lincoln Road safely - or speed cameras - or
a gerneral desire to reduce litter (only a small minority I know but it can make an area less attractive). It also costs extra money to clean and that we can do without in these hard times. The Play Area is at least cleaned regularly and the main Highways.
It always seems to be the small roads and alley ways that seem to suffer. So we need a more rapid response and better communication, with the authorities, to make life that bit better and more pleasant.
Let's hope for a pleasant and prosperous 2009.

Saturday 13 December 2008

Football Night for budding Beckhams'

I went down to the Northgate Sports Hall, and outdoor pitches, yesterday evening and was very pleased to see so many young people (mainly lads but some girls) from the Sleaford Youth Centre, based in Moneys Yard. Many were from Holdingham.

It was freezing cold but nobody seemed to care. The Youth Leader (Kerry Mitchell) and staff were supervising and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Everyone was very polite. The Youth Centre seem to be going from strength to strength (about 100 attend every week) and it sure makes me wish I was a teenager again.

Friday 5 December 2008

Tommy Cooper Type Jokes

I thought you might enjoy these jokes but read them as if Tommy Cooper would have said them.

If Tommy Cooper were alive today

I met this bloke with a didgeridoo and he was playing Dancing Queen on it. I thought, 'That's Aboriginal.'

This lorry full of tortoises collided with a van full of terrapins. It was a turtle disaster.

I told my girlfriend I had a job in a bowling alley. She said 'Tenpin?' I said, 'No, permanent.'-----------------------

I went in to a pet shop. I said, 'Can I buy a goldfish?' The guy said, 'Do you want an aquarium?' I said, 'I don't care what star sign it is.'

I bought some Armageddon cheese today, and it said on the packet. '
Best before End'

I went to buy a watch, and the man in the shop said 'Analogue.' I said ‘No, just a watch.'-----------------------------

I went into a shop and I said, 'Can someone sell me a kettle.' The bloke said 'Kenwood' I said, 'Where is he then?'

My mate is in love with two schoolbags. He's bi-satchel.

I went to the doctor. I said to him 'I'm frightened of lapels.' He said, 'You've got cholera.'

---------------------------I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his name, its P something T something R

I was reading this book today, The History of Glue. I couldn't put it down.

I phoned the local ramblers club today, but the bloke who answered just went on and on.---------------------------

The recruitment consultant asked me 'What do you think of voluntary work? I said 'I wouldn't do it if you paid me.'

I was in the jungle and there was this monkey with a tin opener. I said, 'You don't need a tin opener to peel a banana.' He said, 'No, this is for the custard.

This policeman came up to me with a pencil and a piece of very thin paper. He said, 'I want you to trace someone for me..'

I told my mum that I'd opened a theatre. She said, 'Are you having me on?' I said, 'Well I'll give you an audition, but I'm not promising you anything.'

I phoned the local builders today, I said to them 'Can I have a skip outside my house?' He said, 'I'm not stopping you!'

This cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says 'Audi!'

I fancied a game of darts with my mate. He said, 'Nearest the bull goes first' He went 'Baah' and I went 'Moo' He said 'You're closest'

I was driving up the motorway and my boss phoned me and he told me I'd been promoted. I was so shocked I swerved the car. He phoned me again to say I'd been promoted even higher and I swerved again. He then made me managing director and I went right off into a tree. The police came and asked me what had happened. I said 'I careered off the road'

I visited the offices of the RSPCA today. It's tiny: you couldn't swing a cat in there.

I was stealing things in the supermarket today while balanced on the shoulders of a couple of vampires. I was charged with shoplifting on two counts

I bought a train ticket to France and the ticket seller said 'Eurostar' I said 'Well I've been on telly but I'm no Dean Martin.

I phoned the local gym and I asked if they could teach me how to do the splits. He said, 'How flexible are you?' I said, 'I can't make Tuesdays or Thursdays.'--------------------------------I went to the local video shop and I said, 'Can I borrow Batman Forever?' He said, 'No, you'll have to bring it back tomorrow'

A waiter asks a man, 'May I take your order, sir?' 'Yes,' the man replies. 'I'm just wondering, exactly how do you prepare your chickens?' 'Nothing special, sir. We just tell them straight out that they're going to die.'

Friday 28 November 2008

Cold Weather

I drove back from Lincoln today, down the A15 (Friday 28th) at 2.oopm, just as the fog rolled in. Earlier than had been predicted on the TV: but the 6.30 regional programme mentioned about 60M visibility at Cranwell. I got back just in time. The cold weather looks set to last: but not necessarily as cold fog but as a cold Northerly wind for the first 10 days of December. It is a bit reminiscent of 1981.

Snow could be a possibility especially in the middle of the Country. It is a while since we had a cold snap this early but it has been one of those years. Whether or not much snow lies at Sleaford is always a bit iffy.

Keep an eye out on the TV: and if possible use the Met Office site to check. I will keep this blog posted.

Friday 14 November 2008

Conkers: Will they be extinct?

I am getting a bit concerned about some of the Horse Chestnut trees within Sleaford and Holdingham. I noticed towards the end of the summer that the trees near Lincoln Road were looking a bit sad. I reported the matter. I was told that this is often the case. The photo is how a healthy Horse Chestnut should look (Library Photograph)

What alerted me again was a report that in other parts of the Country they are being affected by disease - so much so that we may lose them altogether. It is estimated that 75% nationally are already dying. See story in the Independent.

A useful article also is at: Conkers. Keep an eye out or the kids of the future may not have the same pleasures as we had as kids. Send any photos if you have them!

Friday 31 October 2008

Biofuel Plant Implications for Holdingham

This topic still causes concern as can be seen by the comment below. See the comment. The Guardian and others have reprted on the pros and cons and the myths of Green energy. It is a rapidly expanding market and Lincolnshire has avital role to play but it needs clever planning and infrastructure investment.

Energy Myths

The major impact in Sleaford is on the Kirkby La Thorpe entrance/exit. I do not envy them.


I don't want to get specifically involved in the Biofuel Plant debate at Kirky La Thorpe (we seem to be getting advice from all over Lincolnshire on this topic) but the traffic implications for the Holdingham Roundabout are of concern to Holdingham.

Highways have not indicated that the effect of 100 (maybe as high as 200) lorrries per day (full or empty) will impact at Holdingham. When I returned from London late yesterday the line of traffic along the A17 from the roundabout was long. This will get worse if the plant goes ahead.

I do think Highways are in denial. The Sleaford A17 bypass allows goods to be transported to and from the Coast. Watch out for belated complaints about the adverse economic impact if this application goes ahead.

Saturday 18 October 2008

Jokes to cheer you up!

Here are some credit crunch jokes to lighten the load.

Q: What's the capital of Iceland?

A: About £4.50

The Nigerian government has recently issued a warning to its citizens alerting them to e-mails from Irish/UK/US Banks, promising government backed deposit securities and seeking bank account details, It is a scam and it appears to be increasing in popularity.

It further warns that the scammers pass themselves off as well established institutions that are as safe as houses with many years trading history.

What's the difference between an investment banker and a pigeon? The pigeon is still capable of leaving a deposit on a new Ferrari.


The credit crunch has helped me get back on my feet. The car's been repossessed.

Sunday 14 September 2008


For anyone with problems, and wishing to use the Internet, a very useful site was highlighted in last weeks Sunday Times.

The site is Fix my Street.

Whether or not it works, or I am way behind the times, but this type of community reporting is becoming poltical as the Sunday Times article suggests. Obviously not everyone wants to use the Internet (I usually ring direct to NKDC for environmental problems) but it does show that we have to be organised, at Town and District level, to meet problems when they arise.
Hope this is useful.

Monday 25 August 2008

Farm Bridge: from where to where?

I took these photos near to the farm bridge that is designated (I hope) to be upgraded by the money won from the national Lottery. It has repercussions for Holdingham Lane.

The plan is to cut the Holdingham Lane into two with the bit nearest the Lincoln Road being cut off to traffic. This is at the junction shown on the first photo above: at this exit point Holdingham Lane will I am told be truncated. Cyclists will be able to get from the Farm Bridge and new housing development whilst vehicles will be able to get to Holdingham Lane via the new development.

OK so cyclists will be able to get from the Holdingham Lane at this point across the bridge but then where do they go after that – see photo 2 above?

As a backdrop the 97 Houses and Flats near to the roundabout are now under construction and presumably could be occupied, within the next year, and some of the kids (could be up to 200) may have to go to Leasingham Schools safely. Otherwise they will have to go via the Holdingham Roundabout which is dangerous to cross.

I will keep you posted.

Friday 8 August 2008

A Holdingham Population Profile

The Lincolnshire Research Observatory has published 2001 Census details, of Lincolnshire down to individual Wards, which are extremely useful. Obviously this profile is changing as the population grows and changes in terms of age, ethnic background and other factors. Other data includes the 2005 Mid Year Population Estimates. However take this data as early 2000s.

The next Census in 2 or 3 years will be very interesting as it affects the amenities, employment, education and other facilities needed in the area.

I was somewhat surprised that Holdingham is generally younger than North Kesteven and England/Wales. Here are the statistics: more to follow when I have digested the Census.

% Sleaford Holdingham North Kesteven England/Wales

Under 16 22.2 19.4 20.2

16 to 19 5.8 4.2 4.9

20 to 29 11.5 9.5 12.6

30 to 59 44.6 42.8 41.5

60 to 74 10.8 15.7 13.3

75 and Over 5.2 8.3 7.6

Average Age 36.0 40.8 38.6

Friday 1 August 2008

Overtaking and Tailgating on the A15 Bypass near Holdingham

On my way to the Rubbish Tip, down Mareham Lane via the A15 bypass a couple of days ago, I was concerned by the dangerous driving.
It must be the time of year because there is a spate of articles in the press about this very subject. It is a major public concern. Safe drivers are apparently more at risk because of the pressure it puts them under. Tailgating and bad overtaking are serious hazards and causing many accidents (some fatal)! Speeding motorcyclists are also named as other culprits on Lincolnshire's roads (this highlighted by the BBC on Look North recently).
I don't understand why it is necessary on this stretch of road! One motorist overtook me and two other cars, after tailgating us, just avoided an oncoming Lorry by only inches, only to reach the roundabout near the Quarrington junction a few feet in front of us!
The future increase in traffic, as a result of development, will add to the dangers on that road. Road calming measures are badly needed.

Saturday 12 July 2008

Dangerous Pavement Cycling

I posted a comment on this subject, on a Sleaford Web Log, relating to a walk into Town down Northgate.

Dangerous Cycling

Added to that the BBC has recently published simialar articles highlighting the problem: click on image.

But it has implications also for Holdingham.

Pavement Cycling is a hazard: there are cycling lanes along the Lincoln Road from the end of York Road up to the Jolly Scotchman: after that the cyclists are supposed to use the road but has anyone ever seen this happen?

Someone will get badly hurt if something isn't done about it!

Thursday 3 July 2008


Questions are being asked!

More development on what is a green space has provoked opposition.

The area is an open space and used by young children as a play space. It means that they do not have to cross the busy, and dangerous, Lincoln Road to get to the play area there. A tragic accident has recently occured on the Lincoln Road immediately adjacent to where this development will be.

Opposition is again a major topic of conversation: in this case any extra traffic would have to be routed through York Road. Add this to other developments and a major problem arises. The photo above is outside the spot where the 97 Houses/Flats are to be built: adding more traffic onto this busy road.

Thursday 19 June 2008

New Roundabout near Holdingham Lane!

The planning application for the building of a roundabout near Holdinham Lane has arrived. This will be a prelude to the development of 90 or more Houses and Flats just behind MacDonalds and the loss of use of a part of Holdingham Lane for access. Click on image for larger version.

For more detail best look at the NKDC site.

The 30 mile limit is to be extended past MacDonalds which will be a good thing for the Lincoln Road in general.
I still have concerns about the ability of vehicles, especially cleaning vehicles, to access Holdingham Lane over the new bridge.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Getting Connected: Holdingham Coach Service

I was most pleased to see that the Sleafordian Coach services now extends to Stokes Drive, Chapman Road and Covel Road. The timetable and routes, are available on the Sleafordiamn Web Site and the coach service itself connects the centre of Town to Holdingham via both sides of the Lincoln Road.

As a resident put it: just flag down the Bus until it stops.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Lincoln Road Safety (Refuge) and Warning Signs

Lincoln Road Refuge(s)

Co-op Access
After they have taken some flack recently I was pleased to see some positive comments, from residents, about Lincolnshire County Highways.

In the shape of the new “Refuge” on the Lincoln Road opposite the refurbished Co-op store. It has been a bit of a nightmare getting across this stretch of the Lincoln Road for those living on the Holdingham Ward side (e.g from Sycamore Drive). This is a welcome relief for residents and I hope there will be more for the future.

Added to the other signs warning motorists of excess speeds it is slowly begining to look better.

Saturday 26 April 2008

Holdingham: Lincoln Road Play Area Refurbishment

Holdingham: Lincoln Road Play Area Refurbishment

Lincoln Road Play Area Refurbishment

Pathway Toddlers
On the morning of 26th April 2008 the refurbished Lincoln Road Play Area was opened! Lots of parents with children were using it by midday! Everyone seemed pleased.
The pathway across the Play Area from St Annes to Lomax Drive will help residents and kids alike!

This is a marked improvement and hopefully the community will help keep it clean and vandal free!

Well done everyone!

Sunday 23 March 2008

Snow Scenes: 2008

A nice Winter Scene?
Unfortunately it is March 23rd and officially it is spring!

1. My back Garden 8.00am.
2. Trevitt Close at about the same time.
After 9.00am it all started melting. Never mind - does this mean a cold winter next year?
Watch this space!

Friday 21 March 2008

Lincoln Road Crossing Points!

No Refuge yet near Stokes Drive!

The latest I have on this, as a result of complaints from residents about the dangers of trying to cross the Lincoln Road neat the Stokes Drive entrance, is that Highways cannot yet make a reasoned case to spend the money!!

We must keep trying as the pressure can only rise with the prospect of more houses on the old Bowling Club in addition to the 97 near the Roundabout. On one day last week the traffic backed right up from Tesco's to the Holdingham Roundabout: kids were trying to cross to get to the Lincoln Road Play area. Dog walkers could not cross safely!

The only promise made from Highways is along the lines: they are still of a mind to provide this facility if at all possible. It has not been dismissed totally but it will prove difficult unless either the way in which these schemes are funded changes or a third party can be persuaded to help fund it.

So we must keep pressing!

Saturday 1 March 2008

Woodside Play Area Delay

The delay in the refurbishment of the Woodside Play Area has raised some anger!

The reasons however may be more complex! So watch this space.

The new housing development near the Holdingham Roundabout may contain large numbers of children! Their needs will have to be addressed.
Added to that there have been problems of policing the Woodside Play Area. The Beech Rise entrance is the only one and this makes it difficult for the Play Area to be observed for ASB reasons.
So maybe a review of the needs of the whole area, across all age groups of the community, is now required.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Holdingham Roundabout Housing: a wider view!

A Housing Crisis? We have only ourselves to blame!

The decision to put 97 Houses/Flats near the Holdingham Roundabout ended a sorry saga of planning in the Sleaford area. Unfortunately it may not be the last! Such decisions increasingly seem to be taken by unelected bodies from outside the area. The problem is nationwide and on a much bigger scale.

The Private Eye magazine parodies the Government in its attempt to concrete the Country with affordable housing. Using the rural parts of the West Midlands as an example it comments in respect of massive housing projects of 365,0000 homes are deemed that were deemed "not enough":

Throughout England, responsibility for drawing up and managing housing targets will be handed to the regional development agencies, the Quangos set up to encourage business growth.
This is part of the Governments drive to remove local democracy from the planning system - or, as ministers would have it – make planning more responsible to economic factors.

What looms for the West Midlands shows what eventually will be in store for every region. Now - with the cynical ECO-Towns programme, the review of the Green belt, and the pursuit of housing numbers at any cost – it appears to be preparing for a wave of Noddy boxes that would have shamed the Thatcher Government.

Wake up England!

Monday 18 February 2008

Holdingham is a good place to access clean beaches!

Sleaford can enjoy Lincolnshire’s cleaner seas!

I know many Holdingham residents, like me with easy access to the A17, go to the coast especially on a nice weekend and in the holidays, to enjoy a day at the seaside. It is only a one hour long drive away unless I am really unlucky!

click here or on image to see World Map including local British Waters inset.

So I got a pleasant surprise when reading a review, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science showing, in an otherwise gloomy report, on the state of the world seas and ocean’s that the Lincolnshire coastline was among the cleanest around the British Isles. The main polluters are considered to be heavy fishing, oil and gas resources and heavy tourism. Obviously, on a global scale, proximity to large cities is also a major factor.

The report suggests that 40% of the World’s seas are now badly affected. Areas in the Mediterranean, South China Sea and others near the coasts of major continents are also badly affected. The scale of pollution around the North and West of the British Isles really did surprise me as I had assumed that the Gulf Stream would be sufficient to maintain a level of cleanliness by flushing out the pollutants.
Still, a plus point for the Lincolnshire’s tourist trade!

Can Sleaford in general reap some of the benefits?

Enjoy this clean facility!

Monday 11 February 2008

Enforcing standards! What standards?

Keeping Holdingham Clean!

Further to my previous Blog: Keeping Holdingham Becks Clean

I have checked on what standards are relevant here and should be followed by a Council.

These standards include: Cleaner, safer, greener

These are the core services that matter to everyone. They are the most visible and affect people’s daily lives. Getting them right and publicising them well will make residents value the council more highly.

  • Core Standards: as given by the Improvement and Development Agency

  • § adopt a highly visible, strongly branded council cleaning operation
    § ensure no gaps or overlap in council cleaning and maintenance contracts
    § set up one phone number for the public to report local environmental problems
    § deal with ‘grot spots’
    § remove abandoned vehicles within 24 hours
    § win a 'Green Flag' award for at least one park
    § educate and enforce to protect the environment

  • Communications
  • These core actions tell people what you can do and are doing for them, and they show your residents what they get for their money.

  • § manage the media effectively to promote and defend the council
    § provide an A-Z guide to council services
    § publish a regular council magazine or newspaper to inform residents
    § ensure the council brand is consistently linked to services
    § communicate well with staff so they become advocates for the council

We have some way to go!

Monday 4 February 2008

Creating a better community

Sleaford Community Funding

The future community resources, and their funding, of Sleaford have become an issue once again. A typical comment is “The proposed Power Station will cost £80million to build but how much community benefit will be invested in Sleaford?

The national policy, from Westminster, across all main political parties appears to be to build sustainable communities. Our local policy appears to be that community funds be used to invest only into Affordable Housing. We need to widen our vision of what we want for Sleaford.

A case in point is the Holdingham Ward that I represent. The refurbishment of the Lincoln Road Play Area, scheduled for 2008/09, will be good for that side of the Lincoln Road, but other investments are needed in the rest of Holdingham.

New areas of Open Space will be required in Holdingham. The new Estate on the Holdingham Roundabout will house 400 residents of whom about half are expected be children. The extra houses off Peterborough Way will rob the kids there of the area that was the old Bowls Club. Added to that, we lost the small play area off Winchester Way 2 or 3 years ago. Oh, and by the way, the Lincoln Road still needs more refuges for people to cross safely so we can communicate safely as a community.

No doubt other Wards feel the same. There is a need to plan for facilities: schools, bridges or refuges that people can use safely: and focal points for residents to meet as a community.

A Community Plan that incorporates all these needs is of the essence.

Thursday 31 January 2008

Future Community Developments

The future community resources of Holdingham have become an Issue again.

The refurbishment of the Lincoln Road Play Area, scheduled for 2008/09, will be good for that side of the Lincoln Road, but things are not looking so hopeful for the other side. The refurbishment of the Woodside Play Area, for instance, has been deferred.

The Council wish to spend the 2009/10 year budget on Boston Road. I have to admit that Boston Road is looking much better and needs cash - if we can get to it for all the traffic that will come through the Rec Road.

However with the developments taking place around the Sleaford Wood area, and expected near the Holdingham Roundabout, community investment is badly needed. Play areas are only one aspect but an important one.
I accept that the only access, to Woodside Play Area/Open Space, is from Beech Rise and it isn't easily accessible or visible for security. A new area of Open Space is needed.

Additionally I do think that Holdingham needs a Community Plan desperately. The reasons are many: we do not have a coherent Community Centre to meet the expected expansion.

The new Estate on the Holdingham Roundabout will house 400 residents of whom about half are expected be children. The extra houses off Peterborough Way will rob the kids there of the area that was the old Bowls Club. Added to that we lost the small play area off Winchester Way 2 or 3 years ago.

Our District Councillor is working hard but he needs support!

Oh, and by the way, the Lincoln Road lacks sufficient refuges for people to cross safely.

Monday 28 January 2008

Keeping the Holdingham Becks Clean!

I have put the paper below to the Town Council for dicussion.

What has prompted it is the general litter that gets thrown into the Becks, Railway sidings and hedgerows. Holdingham is not alone. But we have to start somewhere.

If it is an offence and a cost burden on the Ratepayer then something must be done.

The photo taken is the Galley Hill bridge which regularly is full of throw away litter.

Who is responsible and what standards determine whether and when a Beck should be cleaned?

Sleaford Town Council
Services Committee
30 January 2008

Responsibilities and schedules for Cleaning in Holdingham:
Holdingham Lane Beck and Lincoln Road to Galley Hill Bridge

At the Services Committee meeting of 14 November 2007 a question was put to the Town Council relating to the responsibility for, and the timetable and criteria for action, dealing with Litter problems in Holdingham. Litter dropping is illegal, costs borne by residents, and a wider approach is required. Litter, as a concern across Sleaford, was raised at a recent Town meeting.

The matter is of continuing importance as sections of the Holdingham Lane Becks, for example, appear to be regularly affected by Litter. Whilst the good work done, to meet environmental standards, is appreciated there appears to be gaps in the procedures required. Responsibility appears to reside with Highways, NKDC and the Town Council. In some cases the Railway Authority has responsibility (e.g. Galley Hill Bridge).

Issues requiring attention
For both sides of the Lincoln Road and for Holdingham Lane:

1. Which sections are the Town Council Services responsible for removal of litter, including the Becks, and what are the criteria and schedules for doing so?

2. If any sections are not the responsibility of the Town Council could Councillors be advised of the measures needed, in liaison with NKDC Environmental Services and others, to ensure that acceptable cleanliness standards are reached as quickly as possible?

3. Can the criteria required, for cleaning to be undertaken, be made available to residents.

Further Actions
It is requested that:

The issues addressed above are tackled with NKDC and others as required.

  • Schedules and criteria are made widely available.
    : Such agreed procedures apply to all Sleaford.
  • The total budgeting required, for cleaning Sleaford, are made transparent!.

Sunday 13 January 2008

Sleafords Role In Power Generation

Should Sleaford take a stance?

The debate over "green" energy is hotting up. Articles appeared in the press recently, including the Sleaford Standard, about proposals and concerns over the Governments future nuclear energy intentions.

Greens Threaten Climate Fight
"Government's former chief scientific adviser has accused green activists of putting the fight against climate change at risk by wanting to take society back to the 17th century."

A case of "kettle calling the pot" I think as it is not long ago that the Government itself was being accused of not having a policy!

However Sleaford is now coming to terms with its potential role in Power generation. I received the newsletter EcoNews, about the proposed biofuel production at Kirkby La Thorpe near Sleaford: the Eco2 site gives its reasons for wanting to site the plant.

The impetus behind all this is the realization that, if we are to free ourselves from being dependent on Russia, the Middle-East and other States such as Venezuela, the sooner we generate energy from our own resources the better. Even Coal is making a comeback.

OK so we all favour that I think!

However the issues are important. As someone who, as a schoolboy, had to run a cross country course through the famous/infamous Orgreave Colliery, and alongside the smell and fumes from the Coke ovens, I am sensitive to the enforcement of standards in such developments. The quip was: if you survive the Orgreave fumes you stand a good chance of winning the race. A nice story but don't let us go there again: they were the bad old days.

What is of the essence for Sleafordians is that there are no uncontrollable side-effects, such as emissions, and that their mobility to their places of work and pleasure are not impaired. The Holdingham roundabout and the A17 bypass must not become over-congested: which they may at peak traffic times.

That has to be the difference between what happened when the coal fields were first sited many decades ago - in the bad old days. Also, let us in this day and age, plan these developments in a coherent way.