Friday 26 December 2014

A snowy evening in Sleaford: for one night only!

A picture to prove it! Plus many more on Facebook. 

It all went slightly pear shaped in Sleaford on Boxing Day (evening). The forecast was rain probably turning to sleet by late evening: but it  suddenly turned to snow around 7.00pm. I hope the authorities were warned as the roads could have been slippery in places. The forecast charts show a return to changeable conditions by New Years day.

The kids were delighted: after wanting to stay put all day they suddenly wanted to go outside to play snowballs and sliding about. Whether or not it will still be there this time tomorrow remains to be seen.

Postnote: the forecast, apart from the amount of snow on low ground on 26th, turned out about right. By New Year's Eve the temperature had reached 6 or 7C and what was left of the snow - had vanished by New Year's day!!! 

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Co-option of a Town Councillor

How vital?  Co-option Process

In May 2015 all Councillors must stand down and those wishing to continue as Councillors (Parish, Town or District) will have to seek re-election. 

Maybe it will give someone a brief introduction to the duties of a Councillor. Whether or not it will have any influence on ongoing issues affecting Sleaford  is open to question.

Postnote: Interestingly CPALC advises as follows: with my annotations  ( The rules state "If a casual vacancy occurs within 6 months of the date a Councillor would normally stand down then an election to fill the vacancy will not be held". Co-options always occur after the process to go to a ward election has not produced any candidates. Hence it probably needs checking (I assume this has been done) to determine if a co-option procedure, at this stage of the Council lifetime, is therefore valid.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Chicken Appeal: Planning Portal Progress

The latest Planning Progress is on the site NKDC and at this website of the Planning Inspector. (Postnote: I have used this link to propose issues that need to be addressed.)

(This photo was taken on 13 December 2014.) 

Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Chicken Show goes on: a welcome encore depending who you are!!

What price local decision making? 

I wrote on Facebook recently an extract from the original NKDC meeting about the problems of having a Chicken Farm between Leasingham and Sleaford. The article calls it Poultry so forgive me if I am being too precise. 

It said " To my knowledge it will use Chicken Waste (this in respect of the Anaerobic Digestion Plan) ."

 However the papers to Planning, in August mentioned re Poultry Farm, Poultry Farms by their nature require a Countryside location which is not adjacent to existing dwellings. They also require significant land. The Operational Phase covered particulate Emissions which lays down that local Authorities must (statutory duty) assess and review air quality within their district against objectives set by Government. Also on Odours "Intensive poultry units can be a source of odours generated by the decomposition of waste products such as faeces, urine, feathers and bedding materials. "

So, not surprisingly residents are upset that, after Councillors had rejected the application, an appeal is going direct to the Secretary of State.  Appeal to the Secretary of State. 

The other issue if passed - where does this leave local democracy? Is it a matter that, if Planning and Highways and Environmental Health, for one reason or another, do not object  then democratic power is undermined?

 Or is it that THe Inspector will review whether or not the Planners have done a sufficiently robust job?

 The jury is out?  

Sunday 30 November 2014

Sleaford, NKDC, LCC and Devolution of Powers to English Regions!

Well at least the Scottish Referendum, and the quick moves to devolve more Powers to Scotland (these concessions must have been drafted before the final result was known surely) seems to have woken up England -at last. The Observer has an article on it today (30 November 2014).

Now the trouble, as usual, is the key question "will it affect the parts we want it to affect" or just give more power to those whose powers we actually want, and need,  to minimise?   I am still trying to work out where localism fits into the scheme of things in Sleaford and what happened to Neighbourhood Plans. If all we end up with is another layer of Bureacracy then heaven help us.

So in principal "yes" but there is a lot of detail to be sorted out.

Friday 14 November 2014

BID and Town Teams and Elections: I need a holiday!

Demise of BID: will it be resurrected? Sleaford and a wider area?

Before I get in too deep here I will only pass comment on what is happening in Sleaford. The local papers especially the Sleaford Standard has been publicising the launch of the Town Team. It appeared on its Front page this week and again of page 5. Its web page had a photo of NKDC Leader Marion Brighton endorsing it at the opening. A video of the launch has been released on Youtube:

Ok, enough of that but the Town Team is mentioned as a Community Interest Company which has certain distinct features. However it will need to make a living so where in the market will it find itself?  At that point it looks like a more privatised version of our Business Improvement District which met its Waterloo in 2012. Maybe politics in here somewhere!

I might get hammered for this but is this where it is heading?

I can't help but feel that the forthcoming election is part of this - positioning wise!

Friday 31 October 2014

Leasingham to Sleaford Connect2: So what was promised?

Latest: The Sleaford weekly papers have front page headlines. Here is the Target vesion. Standard Version.

The Sustrans Leasingham Connect2 Sleaford intention!!

The board on the midpoint of the Cycle/footway path says it all! It refers to creating a traffic free zone for users between Sleaford and Leasingham. The concept received lottery money support. 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Health and Safety and proper Planning!

Fire hazards, Country Codes and road transport!!

Stop Press: I went to the NK Planning meeting to watch events unfold. The outcome was a fuzzy acceptance after what can only be described as confusion on procedures.

Latest  The Officers at NK have approved the revised plans for the Anaerobic Digestion Plant. Now the problem was that Councillors wanted to see the traffic implications. The Officers, including Highways, approved the last set of plans! This against the background on concern that arson was a factor in the recent straw fire near Quarrington which showed safety may need a general rethink of H&S!

The recent straw fires near Quarrington, and the adverse media coverage it got, highlighted the need to enforce rules when allowing such a large mass of straw to be sited near populated areas. Straw mass is notorious for becoming internally hot when stacked. This is a farming county which is adept at applying codes of storage.

Yet in this case, as the straw was meant for a Biofuel factory it appears not to have been subject to the same rigorous scrutiny.

The same goes for transport and build up of local traffic near major roads intended for trans Lincolnshire journeys and beyond. The proposed Anaerobic Digestion Plant will need careful scrutiny due to its positioning and maybe other risks of a one-off accidental malfunction. That is what some are saying! I am not an expert. The revised application comes up on 29 Oct!

There is a cost to all this! Road closures, Fire and Ambulance services are stretched and costly and local houses and inhabitants suffer discomfort.

If the area is to expand then it has to up its act and invest in the infrastructure to cope.

It is a wake up call!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Traffic Model: implications of the SE Regeneration Proposals

There has been much correspondence in the media (including Facebook) since the decision to go to Compulsory Purchase of the required land (i.e. the Recreation Ground). One aspect has been the influence on traffic flows.  

This is an extract from the traffic flow report of last year. The wider impact on Holdingham is not included, and cannot be gauged, as this refers to the area near the Rec, the Grantham Road, Mareham Lane and the present Railway crossing. However there will be an impact as the Lincoln Road and Holdingham Roundabout can get gridlocked. Here are the Conclusions of the Traffic assessment of last year. I am not sure if the Handley Chase impact is fully included in this traffic assessment. 

"5.2 Conclusion
This report has found that the proposals to construct the SESRR alongside the
closure of the Southgate level crossing and the development of a new Tesco
superstore and the Bass Maltings site will bring a range of impacts to Sleaford town

While journey distances and times for traffic within the town centre will
increase significantly and one junction will be negatively affected to a significant
extent, in many cases the operation of individual junctions will improve and others
will not worsen to the extent that they operate above their capacity.

Furthermore, the reliability of journeys within the town is likely to improve through a proposal which essentially replaces a level crossing with a railway bridge, thus stopping the railway
line from frequently interrupting traffic flows"

Thursday 9 October 2014

Compulsory Purchase on Rec Land: is this the final round?

Update: the emphasis has changed to that or ensuring the future of the Bass Maltings. See BBC Lincolnshire!

The local newspapers today, and the social media, have taken their cue from the Announcement by NKDC that all the paperwork has been completed and signed to allow the CPO process to go ahead! It has been going on a long time (since before 2005).

Here are the different takes: it is Town Council land (with covenants); and the covenants and implications of using some of it for a Road are still shrouded in some mystery.  Does it all revert back to the Bristol Estates? Over the years many people have been affected - even stressed - by the progress towards this CPO outcome!

Here are the various reports. What a lead in to the May 2015 District and Town Council elections!

Standard: Target: NKDC!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Anaerobic Digestion Plant and/or Chicken Farm Amendments?

Late News: Interestingly Steve Flanagan on CUG Facebook Site:; Anti Anaerobic Digestor Forum has found this planning proposal in Staffordshire being turned down.

Regulations: Anaerobic Digestion. 

The Target has a story today (on its web site) about amended plans for the Anaerobic Digestor Plant.

There seems to be some confusion between the Chicken Farm and the Anaerobic Digestor Plant. One was rejected on August 5th and a decision on the other deferred until a Transport Plan had been submitted for review. Obviously the report may be lacking in fine detail but it is one to watch.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Dry September weather in Sleaford

Luckily I try and save whatever rainfall we get, in water buts. Just as well this month - especially after the nice Spring & Summer (August not so warm).

It is heading for one the driest Septembers on record although I have to admit I have known quite a  few!  I will wait until the final figures are published.

Paul Hudon has also commented on his Blog. Beware a stormy week next week. The sea temperatures are high - more energy!!!

Friday 26 September 2014

Parish/Town Council and the Principal Authority: Sleaford Style

The Spalding Guardian has a story about Spalding being prepared to ask residents if they should have their own Town Council. Spalding is also home to South Holland District Council.

Now it all sounds great! Local democracy it says with less Politics and more focused on local needs.

 But will it? I am not aware for instance that Sleaford TC and its Principal Authority get on that well. Some Councillors are on both and costs are high (much of it on staff costs). Conflicts of interest can occur.

So if they are going to have their own Town Council maybe first they should devise a model for its operation that avoids pitfalls elsewhere - not just Sleaford.  Otherwise it could be costly without achieving much!

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Amended Plans For Anaerobic Plant

Post Note: I have sent in my comments on the amended plans!


So do the plans make it any safer  for those using the Sustrans Cycle way:  Sleaford to Leasingham? What about the effects on the New Wood nearby? 

Has that been addressed?  Councils have a duty to debate Biodiversity!!

The address at N.K.D.C Planning is at: Planning Online.

Update: My letter arrived by post today - in addition to the one I received by e-mail. As far as I am concerned there is still a long way to go: the issues relating to cycle/walker safety and biodiversity of the New Wood are still not addressed. That and the traffic flows that will accrue.

Over to you County and District Councillors. 

Friday 29 August 2014

Biodiversity 2020? How it might affect Holdingham!

I took this photograph yesterday of the New Wood against where the anaerobic Digestor Plant is/was proposed to be sited. Objections were raised about the impact on the Wood.

The reason being that plants, wildlife and the like, and impact on them, from proposed development are  a Duty of Councils to debate and consider, and minute that it has, at the preliminary planning consultation stage. This is in line with the Biodiversity mantra from Government and in particular (as far as I can tell) the Prime Minister. Maybe it is to alleviate "Green" concerns when plans are put forward.

The Biodiversity link is at Gov.UK. Type in Biodiversity 2020 if necessary. Whether or not it has been done (the Duty that is) in the manner required is unclear.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Road Works near McDonalds

This has appeared in todays Sleaford Standard. At least motorists may find other routes into the south side of Town.

Monday 25 August 2014

Biodiversity: are we failing to meet Government Targets?

I use the word targets loosely here but it is coming to the forefront of the political agenda (certainly at local level)  to ensure Communities are protected against loss of Biodiversity. Councils have a Duty to record that such debates have taken place. In other words protecting as much as possible foliage and the wild-life living in it.

The Boston Road Recreation ground is one such major proposed development. The Leasingham / Holdingham Anaerobic Digestion and Chicken Farm is another. At least the issue would be seen to have been discussed and the scale of the problems appreciated. The Environmental Impact Assessments are carried out but whether or not this meets to Duty placed on Councils in the level of detail and the way it is debated is open to question.

Here is what the Government says about it, as a nation.  Biodiversity 2020 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Sleaford Crime Map

I went to meet the Police Commissioner and P.C.S.O's and Lincolnshire Assistant Chief Constable last Thursday outside Sainsbury. An open day and meet residents day! It was useful and I hope the Neighbourhood Watch benefited. 

Here is a link to a broad crime map of Sleaford.

Crime Map

The Lincolnshire Research Observatory  also maps out the crime message.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Changing Face of Holdingham: 1989 onwards

The more things change the more they stay the same!

I couldn't help but notice an article in the Sleaford Standard under Pages from the Past from 1989.

In that article a member of the Sleaford and District Civic Trust branded a decision by N.K, to approve plans for two petrol stations and take-away plus motel, as the last nail in the coffin for the small hamlet. There are now more than one Take-Away including McDonalds. Whether or not the latter was included at the time I am not sure.

So nothing has changed much- pressure from Government - or developers or both - who knows! The photo below was taken as this development was under construction It is now the entrance to McDonalds.

Now we understand that the developer of the Chicken Farm proposal et al, at Holdingham/ Leasingham, is expected to got to appeal. On the basis that the reason was "Visual Impact". As I understood it, from the Chair of the Planning meeting at the time, that form of words was used as it was the only reasons the Planning Department hadn't already approved.

And we cannot be seen to disagree with the Officers of the Authorities involved. Can we?

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Planning and Appeal Procedures

Where does it go from here? 

Update: Both local papers report that the Developers will appeal! Target and Standard!!

I have been asked this question: and can Residents make comments/objections? Well it all depends on the "route" taken.  Here is the Planning Portal guidance from the Eric Pickles department. 

Keep a close eye on how N.K wish to deal with it: will they try and discuss it again with the Applicant (Chicken Farm) or will an appeal go to the Planning Inspector?

Best of all ask an expert! 

Wednesday 30 July 2014

All geared up for August 5th: Planning Committee and Chickens!!

Stop Press:  5th August 2014: I went to the meeting this afternoon. Good speeches from local Councillors who understood the problems. The local press have just come out with the story. Chicken Farm Vote. 

Stop Press: 4 August - it looks as though Look North are going to feature the proposed application tonight. 6.30 to 7.00 pm. If it is on iPlayer I will put it on tomorrow.

Well: my objections to the Anaerobic Digester Plant and Chicken Farm are in!!!  The Target has a front page headline - well done Target! I am still amazed that within two years of opening the Connect2 cycle-way, done with much effort by local people/Councillors were on the brink (apparently) of accepting this application.

Se we will see!  

Friday 25 July 2014

Anti Social Behaviour: survey

I  was sent this by e-mail. In view of our lowering Crime Figures it is worth remembering we still suffer from a spate of Low Level ASB! Here is a consultation to help tackle it!

Community Remdy Consultation

Thursday 3 July 2014

Compulsory Purchase Debate: where the votes came from!!

The above map has been produced by a Sleaford Resident: the vote was a recorded one!

Sunday 15 June 2014

Local Democracy in Sleaford: will it bring about changes in policy?

But who are the real progressives?

So there are several reports of the recent District Council by-elections - and much comment on Facebook. The story topped the list of most read on the Sleaford Standard web-site for a few days. The Town Plan and link road were key points discussed. OK! we will get the arguments that only 25% or less actually turned out to vote so the rest aren't that bothered.

Well that is not necessarily the case: the lower turnouts in elections are seen as voters deciding that voting will not make one jot of difference. Things have been decided by the "elite". Now who would that refer to in North Kesteven and Sleaford?

Whether or not by design or just co-incidence a statement from NK reaffirmed (Standard article  also )  the intention to press ahead, if needed, with Compulsory Purchase of the required part of the Recreation Ground to facilitate a re-alignment of the Road network in Sleaford - and facilitate (maybe) a new Tesco superstore.

So here are some links on the election result: Standard, Target and NK web-site.

Well done all those who  stood for election, and those who turned out and voted. Congratulations to the winning candidates.

The big issue is: how can these results help turn the tide in favour of a reassessment of the Town Plan? Plans seem to get amended to facilitate proposed new ventures by outside business interests - so why not to facilitate residents preferences as shown in elections?

Wednesday 11 June 2014

So what happened? Will we get Lottery money again?

Update: On Wednesday 25 June at the Source at 8.00 pm - Martin Hill of LCC will be at the Source, Southgate (TC venue) to speak, and answer questions on the Anaerobic Digestor Plant. I will keep this site posted of any changes. 

The opening of the Farm Bridge in September 2012 was supposed to be a turning point: cyclists and pedestrians would travel between Sleaford and Leasingham without crossing a busy A.17. Lottery money had helped it to happen.

The M.O.U helped secure the money from the Lottery. However, a proposed entry and exit road to a Chicken Farm/Digestion Plant would affect this. And where would the proposed Anaerobic Digestion Plant and Chicken Farm, if approved, leave the reputation of the group that worked to secure the cycle paths.? The cycle path would have to cross it at some point: how that would compare to having to cross the busy A.17 one can only guess.

It seems to have descended into whether or not the M.O.U is valid legal protection. Well M.O.U's never were but that is not the overriding  principle here. Money was given for a safety purpose.

Post Note: Page 4 of the Sleaford Target (11/6) has a piece at the bottom of Page 4. Shows a photgraph of Children at the Leasingham St Andrew's Primary School at the opening of their new bike and scooter shelters. Sue Waring and Dr Bike from Sustrans are on the photograph with the words "Sustrans has been working closely with school and pupils to develop good habits of susttainable travel to school."

Much of that travel is between Sleaford and Leasingham.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

What is the latest? Residents of Holdingham and Leasingham need to know!

I went for a walk this afternoon just to look over the A.17 Farm Bridge and see if anything is happening yet! No sign of Biofuel Lorries: that apparently is next month.

No sign of any development re the Houses and Care Home. And on the other side of the A.17 (Leasingham side) no more stories about the progress or otherwise of the Anaerobic Digester Plant. Something has to give!!

It can't all happen without some major investment.  What is the point for instance of Chicken Lorries coming onto the A.15 and then onto the  busy Roundabout, down to A.17 and going off down the A.153 if it blocks access points on the A.15 towards Anwick.  

And finally there is planning permission for just under 300 dwellings on the Sleaford side of the A.17 adjacent to Sleaford Wood.

Here are a couple of photos to view  the area before any changes take place.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Sleaford Changes

So things are changing: by how much it is hard to tell as much of the information is issued from Press Offices and senior figures on and associated with  Council.

However the stories are about the Mayoral resignation and the "latest" confirmation that Tesco are still interested in developing a new store and the District Council still intend to proceed towards compulsory purchase of the required land on Boston Road - in order to allow for the associated road (Mareham Lane to Boston Road). That would then allow for the closure of the Railway crossing onto Southgate!

Will it regenerate Sleaford or spoil a nice recreation ground and create bottlenecks elsewhere?

Answers on a post card.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Latest Crime Messages

Latest Crime Messages

The latest Neighbourhood Watch messages are at:

Neighbourhood Watch

The Sleaford Target also carry a story.


Wednesday 30 April 2014

Lock up Your Bikes!

Ensure your possession are safe. Bike thefts particularly are commonplace nationally. Sleaford is not exempt.

Theft of pedal cycle- Sleaford
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Morning from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

There has been a theft of a pedal cycle from an address of Jubilee Grove, Sleaford. The bike is described as a red and blue males mountain bike with a black seat and black handlebars. The bike is 18 speed and has a bell fitted.

This occurred between 20:30 hours on the 28/4/14 and 11:30 hours on the 29/4/14.

Incident 166 29/4/14 refers.

Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.
Please use the buttons below or c

Monday 28 April 2014

Shale Gas & Fracking Arguments Back on the Agenda!

There are two articles relating to this subject which will become bigger issues with the passage of time.

They are: Look North Paul Hudson's Blog  and suggested possible conflicts of interest at Council level. The Council in question is the L.C.C!!    No doubt other news will follow in thee months ahead.

Watch this space!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Thefts of Number Plates in Sleaford

Here is a Neighbourhood Watch message from Lincolnshire Alert!

Theft of number plates - Sleaford area
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Alice Harris (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good morning from the Sleaford Community Policing Team

There has a reported theft of front and rear number plates from a yellow Fiat Punto from an address in Leasingham.  The registration number on the stolen number plates is PJ08 WJC.

If you see this registration number on any vehicle other than a Yellow Fiat Punto, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non emergency number 101 quoting incident number 76 of 9th April 2014.

Many thanks

PCSO 2215 Alice Harris
Sleaford Community Policing Team
Thank you for your continued support
Please use the buttons below or click here to reply and here to rate this message

Thursday 27 March 2014

Vehicle Fraud: Neighbourhood Watch Advice: General (Holdingham) Advice

(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Sam Cox (NHWN, Administrator, UK)

Online vehicle fraud is costing the nation a road-rage inducing £17.8 million each year, according to new figures released by Get Safe Online and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) today. This is the equivalent to 89 Aston Martin Vanquishes.

In 2013, more than 6,600 UK residents reported online vehicle fraud to the police, with an average loss of £4,078 per victim. The loss range is huge; from smaller losses of less than £50, which mainly related to holding deposits, to one unlucky victim who lost £300,000 where multiple vehicles were involved.

Fraudsters used the following methods to steal their victims’ cash:

  • Part or full payment for the vehicles and then loss of contact with the “seller” accounted for nearly half (49%) of frauds
  • More than a third (37%) of cases involved the payment of a deposit rather than the full amount
  • Bank transfers (58%), fake eBay Invoices (14%) and fake Google Payment Systems Invoices (12%) offering non-existent "buyer protection" for the transaction were the most commonly cited payment methods
  • Some victims paid funds to holding accounts on the basis that funds will be held until the buyer has received the goods and is satisfied with them
  • Other victims received texts from well-known websites requesting refundable fees for car inspections
Further statistics show that:
  • Nearly three quarters (71%) of victims were men
  • People in their forties reported a quarter (25%) of all online vehicle fraud
  • London was the most targeted city for online vehicle fraud, followed by Bristol and then Birmingham

Tony Neate, CEO of Get Safe Online, commented:

“Vehicles are valuable goods and because of this, trading them isn’t a decision that people take lightly, so it’s awful that fraudsters are exploiting popular vehicle websites. Hopefully our latest campaign will make people more aware of the risks before going online to buy or sell a vehicle.”

For the full press release, please click here.

You can download a poster to promote the campaign from our website here. You can also download a campaign leaflet from our website here, which gives some useful tips and advice.

For more information on the risks of buying and selling vehicles online, and how to stay safe, please visit:

Monday 17 March 2014

Latest on Anaerobic Digestion Facility Leasingham and Holdingham

 Latest Update

8th May:  Interestingly the Sleaford Standard has posted tonight that theA15 Holdingham Roundabout to Navemby is closed until further notice due to an accident! What on earth would have happended if Lorries for the plant were trying to get  to the A17? 

There was a feature on Look North this evening with Holdingham Resident Donna Jarvis and a representation from the Farming Community. Peter Levy questioned both. There appears to be one feature missing: 50 or more years ago this site would have been seen as well into the Countryside and opposition would have been much less. Both Leasingham and Holdingham/Sleaford have expanded massively since then and hence this site is much less appropriate. Traffic on the A15 and A17 have also expanded by a large amount. 

The BBC Look North clip has now been taken off. Here is a report on BBC Linconshire:

Sunday 16 March 2014

Latest NKDC Statement re Regeneration & Compulsory Purchase of Recreation Ground Land

The latest statement of the Boston Road Recreation Ground re Compulsory Purchase: and the associated developments and costs are the North Kesteven District Council Web-Site!! The date is the 25 February 2014!

The photo by the way is mine: taken late last summer.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Neighbourhood Policing

Anyone interested in our custodial services might wish to come to this! 

(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Gillian Fleet (Police & NHWN, Community Safety Officer, Lincolnshire)

Good Afternoon

This message is sent on behalf of the Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Watch Association.

Meeting Notice
The County Association are holding their next meeting on Thursday 3rd April, 2014, commencing at 7pm.  The meeting will be held at the Sleaford Council Offices, Kesteven Street, Sleaford.  The Governor of Lincoln Prison will be giving a talk at the meeting.

If you are intending to attend the meeting, please respond to this email.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Biomass Lorries: A17 Holdingham Roundabout Impact

Update: Biogas Plant Leasingam: In addition to the inforrmation below : Local Newspapers are now carrying the latest on the story of the Poultry Complex between Holdingham and Leasingham. If this goes ahead then even more pressure on the Roundabout.
I noticed, for the first time, when returning from Lincoln yesterday the straw being carried to the  Biofuel Plant at Kirkby La Thorpe. They were travelling at reasonable speed around the A17 Holdingham Roundabout and were laden.

It will be interesting to see the impact of access to the Holdingham Roundabout by other road users from the A15, A17 and from the B1518 (Lincoln Road into Sleaford). I had always assumd that the Lorries would be covered but the straw bales were uncovered. The photograph above was taken prior to the plant being built: I will get another one of the Lorries hopefully next week!!

Thursday 27 February 2014

Poultry Farm Proposals North of A17 Holdingham

Update: Town Council still reject proposed site.

This proposal has come up for discussion at next Wednesdays Application meeting of the Town Council.

The full details of the plan are at

When accessing the site click to say you have read the notice and accept copyright restrictions. Them the number of the appliction is:   14/0078/FUL

Is it compliant with the Sleaford Plan?

14/0078/FUL – Land off East of Lincoln Road (A15) and North of A17
 Holdingham. Erection of 16 no. poultry units (590,400 bird capacity) 22 no.
 fee silos, 3 no. water storage tanks, a general purpose building & 2 no.
 electricity substations, drainage lagoon, landscaped bund & improvements
 to existing access track including upgrade of Lincoln Road (A15) junction.
 FKB Ltd.

Monday 24 February 2014

Hold on to your bank details

Courier Fraud Scam
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Sharon Horne (Police & NHWN, NHW Administrator, Lincolnshire)

Message from Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Community Safety Department, Monday, 25th February 2014. 

Police are warning Lincolnshire residents after two incidents occurred in the county where residents have been victims of a 'Courier Fraud' scam.

On both occasions residents have been contacted on their land line and informed that their bank cards have been used fraudulently.  They are then advised to end the call and contact their bank.   The offenders are keeping the line open so that when the victim believes they are contacting their bank, they are actually put through to someone else involved in the scam.  Victims are then asked to provide their address and PIN numbers and a courier is sent to the address. The victim hands over their bank card and money is immediately withdrawn from their accounts.

Contact Lincolnshire Police Tel 101 (non emergency number) to report any similar incident.